
All of them were shot in the head, and the American woman killed all four Chinese children she adopted and then killed herself.

There was a tragedy in Tennessee yesterday when a 55-year-old housewife shot and killed four Chinese-born children she adopted at home.

A 55-year-old full-time mother in Tennessee and four Chinese minor children she adopted were found dead at home on the evening of the 15th, foreign media reported. According to initial police investigations, the Cynthia Collier (Cynthia Collier) woman killed four children first and then shot herself, all of whom were shot in the head. At 6: 00 that night, Collier's own adult child returned home to find the tragedy and call the police.

Local police said at a press conference that the dead had been shot dead in the head and found two guns at the scene of Chen's body, judging it was a murder suicide case. Police say Collier looked like a loving, full-time mother who taught her four adopted children at home before the crime. Police are still trying to figure out the woman's motive, suggesting Collier may have a mental illness.

Collier adopted four Chinese children, Bo Li,14, 14, Meigan Lin,15, Lia Lin, 17, and Kaileigh Lin., 17. The children were adopted by the Collier couple two times many years ago, police said. The 58-year-old husband, the adoptive father of four Asian children, was not at home at the time of the crime.
