
WWS, all fried chicken boxes written on Shit triggered a public relations crisis.

"I don't quite understand why someone wrote a shit on every box of fried chicken in Woolworth," someone said on Reddit today in a heated debate on Reddit.

From the picture, we can see that each box of new fried chicken for A $5.5 is written in the same handwriting.

If you zoom in, it says, "Shit."

What kind of enmity is it that makes people retaliate against Woolworth? Or did Woolworth's staff deliberately prank their customers?

Customers at the scene said: "I think this is a" silent boycott ", boycott Australia's largest supermarket. Because it looks like 100% of it was done on purpose, because it's written on every box. "

Local media found out about the Woolworth staff. The ending makes people cry and laugh!

"this is probably the most innocent complaint I've ever had," cried the Woolworth staff. "We didn't write it at all! The box says 7: 45, which represents the time when the fried chicken is cooked. If you don't believe it, just turn the box upside down and see it! "

Sure enough, if you rotate the fried chicken box with the word "Shit" 360C, you do see 7x45.

It turns out that in order to ensure the freshness of each portion of fried chicken, Woolworth staff will be fried chicken out of the pot after the pipeline staff wrote the time of the food out of the oven, did not expect to make such a joke.
