
Still waiting in line to see a doctor in the hospital? Australian Chinese doctors open a new clinic, $150 a year no limit to the number of doctor visits!

Chinese doctors in Australia have opened a new clinic where they can see a doctor without waiting in line.

Still huddled with all kinds of patients in the hospital, waiting in line to see a doctor? A Chinese doctor in Australia recently opened a "new type of clinic" that does not have to line up.

The new clinic, Osana, which runs on Sydney's North Beach, is more focused on improving the overall health of patients than simply treating them. If the patient's health improves, the clinic's GP will receive a corresponding bonus.

At the same time, the clinic takes a membership approach, an annual membership fee of $150, no limit to the number of doctor visits. According to the clinic's website, they also offer services to pick up patients or GP, free kitchen and fitness lessons, video advice, and even hot tea when you check in.

Kevin Cheng, founder of Osana, says each GP has a team of professionals, including psychiatrists, nutritionists, sports physiologists, and so on.

"We want GP to slow down, try slow therapy, and spend more time serving fewer patients. If we can focus on disease prevention, a 1 / 4 fee can be avoided."

"our service is to improve the health of our patients, not to treat them when they are ill. The patient will not only have one GP service, but an entire team to help prevent the disease. "

The new clinic will open in Narabeen, Sydney, in July, with six GP serving more than 4200 members, followed by two other clinics in Sydney. Cheng said the model has been successful in the UK and the United States. If they can also operate in Sydney, they will consider extending to Australia.

This model sounds very good, I hope it can be promoted as soon as possible!
