
What is the most respected profession in Australia? This ranking tells you

The health care industry is most trusted by the Australian people. (Getty pictures)

According to the 2017 career survey by Morgan (Roy Morgan), a research firm, nursing once again won the title of "Australia's most respected occupation," according to the Business Observer website. This is also 23 years in a row for nursing staff for good faith and good ethics to receive this honor.

The second and third occupations were doctors and pharmacists, respectively.

Like healthcare workers, teachers (81%) and engineers (80%) are trusted and respected by Australians with high scores. The police also rose 4% to 76% from last year.

But in some occupations, where respect is not always desirable, car sales are considered the "least trusted" occupations, as has been the case since 1976. This year, auto sales are at the bottom with 4%.

In addition, advertising, real estate, stock and insurance industry practitioners also received only 10% of Australian approval. In last year's ratings, these professions were even ranked after union leaders and politicians.

Morgan said: "both federal and state councillors have declined in 2017 and are ranked this year for the first time since 2013, after union leaders. Trade union leaders have been 17% honest and ethical this year, up 4% from last year. "

In addition, journalists do not win the public's trust, only 20% of the Australian approval.
