
Speechless! Two untalkative Australians forced a possum to smoke marijuana cigarettes

Two Australians lit the marijuana cigarette and took it near the possum. (picture of Daily Mail)

According to the Daily Mail, a controversial video on social media shows an Australian favorite animal brutally forced to smoke marijuana cigarettes.

It is reported that on Wednesday, on the news social platform Reddit, a pair of marijuana users selfie video. The contents show that there is a possum on the windowsill of a room. The marijuana smokers lit a marijuana cigarette and placed it near the mouth of the possum, as if it were smelling it. Before removal, the marijuana cigarette was briefly placed in the possum's mouth.

Then, however, the marijuana drinkers were startled by the angry possum.

The possum became angry. (picture of Daily Mail)

Many netizens commented after watching the video.

Some people think it's funny. But some netizens criticized that it was cruel to treat a docile animal in this way.

Others thought it was an ordinary day in Australia, and the netizen commented: "this is very Australian."
