
Kangaroo, the worst national treasure in history

It is said that the national treasure class of animals, enjoy the treatment of presidential service, that day is smooth! As Australia's earliest owner-kangaroo, should have enjoyed the love of Turkish and Australian people, who expected recently turned a big somersault, the whole country unexpectedly encouraged to eat them!

Chinese giant panda, living in an air-conditioned room, eating ice cream, nothing to swim with sister beauty, what is more comfortable than this?

If Chinese pandas enjoy heavenly service, Australian kangaroos are facing hellish suffering.

According to official statistics, the number of kangaroos in Australia is about to exceed 50 million, and the population of Australia is only 24 million, and the number of kangaroos is already twice as large as the population.

When you travel to beautiful Australia, you may not see a person all the way, but you can see 3, 4 or even droves of kangaroos gnawing grass, driving on the road may have car accident. With kangaroos.

Australia's good environment is very conducive to kangaroo breeding, the local ecological environment is worrisome.

Kangaroo destroys ecological environment

Kangaroo is a good hand at eating turf. When eating grass, it is often uprooted, where the grass is not left, the turf land that does not cover the surface is easy to desertification, causing sand city storm these problems, but also let cattle, It is difficult for sheep and other herbivores to find food.

Cause traffic problems

In addition to environmental problems, the safety of human survival is also caused by threat. 70% of the car accident, caused by animals in Australia every year is caused by kangaroos, which can be called "road killer".

Violence hurts.

In a scarier case, a tourist was hit by a kangaroo Gong in a local scenic spot. The victim was grabbed by the kangaroo's upper limb and jumped in place to attack the tourist with his lower limbs, almost killing people.

Are you shocked to see here, obviously cute animals, how amazing the destructive power.

Adult kangaroos are 180 cm tall, strong chest muscles, biceps brachii, and can be pinched to scrap as soon as you reach out. They can span 9 meters in one step, run at 60 kilometers an hour, and are ferocious when they fly with strong rear feet.

So government, Australia, extended an invitation to the world to eat their national treasure kangaroo.

It is said that kangaroo fat content is low, meat fresh, delicious, cheaper than beef and rich in protein, vitamin B 6, vitamin B 12, iron, zinc and so on. From the point of view of a favorite meat foodie, kangaroo tight meat is actually a good meat ingredients.

Author: Ding Cat Travel
