
Would you like to wash your hair in the morning or in the evening?

Can you wash your hair? Shampoo is not so easy! Today to everyone about shampoo 8 tips, all practical information, those who have a heart must have a good look at it!

1. The best time to wash your hair is 9: 00 p. M.

Because 10:00 to 2: 00 am is the regeneration and active phase of the scalp cells, washing the scalp before this can promote the regeneration of the scalp cells. In fact, from 1 pm to 10:00 is more suitable for shampoo, the most unsuitable shampoo is 10:00 to the morning period, are scalp relaxation and rest period, not suitable for excessive stimulation.

2. You must dry your hair first. If you want to sleep, you must blow dry before you go to bed.

A lot of people wash their heads and wait for their hair to dry naturally, which is not good. When a man washes his hair, the scales of his hair are open, which means fragility. Some dust, bacteria, and dirt all get in. After washing your hair, it is best to wipe with towels to 6, 7 dry, promote the closing of hair scales, which is more conducive to reduce frequent shampoo damage to the hair. Wipe your hair to 6 and dry it, blow dry it to more than 9%, and go to bed. Wet hair to sleep a lot of harm, such as cold, hair scales easily damaged, increased hair loss, bad hair quality, and so on. Make sure your hair is more than 9% dry before you go to bed, so you can reduce the damage to hair scales and make your hair soft for a long time.

3. Don't comb your hair wet.

Just after washing hair, hair scales are still open, this time if the comb hair too many times, will cause obvious hair scale damage, hair dry will become very impatient.

4. Don't scratch your scalp with your fingernails.

Don't use fingernails to scratch the scalp during shampoo, although this is very cool, but may cause injury to the scalp, the right approach is to gently press the scalp with the finger belly.

5. The water temperature is about 40 degrees.

Cold water shampoo is the most irritating scalp, may lead to hair loss! Too hot shampoo can also hurt hair follicles, the best water temperature is about 40 degrees, feel slightly hotter than body temperature.

6. It's better to wash your hair less often.

If the hair itself is not greasy, do not wash the hair every day, because shampoo will lead to scale open, scale from open to closed, this process inevitably has some wear and tear, so daily shampoo is not conducive to better hair quality. But some people get greasy hair, so you can wash your hair once a day, because it's much more important to keep clean than the loss of hair scales.

7. Lower your head a little bit when you wash your hair.

When washing your hair in a shower, many people stand upright, so the impact of the flow of water may lead to more hair loss over the head than anywhere else, so a better way to do so is to lower your head to the level of your heart, which can reduce the impact on your hair. It also promotes blood circulation in the head.

8, silicone-free shampoo

If the hair feels greasy, heavy, always wash is not clean, can consider using the shampoo that does not contain silicon, this kind of shampoo clean ability is stronger, after wash more refreshing.
