
The pay of women in these industries is lower than that of men, and the gap can be as much as 1 / 4.

In terms of gender pay differentials, the health care industry is the worst for women. (photo by Daily Mail)

According to the Daily Mail, surprising new data show a 25% gender pay gap in some Australian industries.

The health care industry is the worst for women in terms of gender pay differentials, according to a gender gap report released this week by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, (ABS). While 79% of the workforce in the industry is female, women earn 25% less per hour than men.

The construction industry is the second worst, with women earning 22% less per hour than men.

The real estate industry followed suit, with a gender pay gap of 22%. This is also true in the financial, information technology and media sectors, where the gender pay gap is 19 per cent.

The gender pay gap in the education sector, which has the second highest proportion of female employees, is 14%.

In 2018, women earned 0.872 times as much per hour as men in non-management jobs, or an average of A $36.8 per hour for women, $5.40 less than men.

It is reported that the smallest gender pay gap in hotels, manufacturing and public service industries.

The gender pay gap in some Australian industries is 25 percent. (photo by Daily Mail)

Australia's gender pay gap has remained stable over the past decade, with women earning an average of 11 percent less than men, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Despite the income gap between men and women, more women have a higher level of education than men. As of 2017, 45 percent of Australian women in their 20s had an undergraduate degree or above, compared with 32 percent of men.

In 2017, female college graduates had a full-time starting salary of A $59,000, compared with A $60,099 for men.

In addition, the average balance of pensions for women close to retirement age (55 to 64) is A $ one hundred and ninety six thousand, compared with A $ three hundred and ten thousand for men, a 37 percent difference.

Paulie (Dean Bowley), program manager at the Australian Bureau of Statistics, said a higher proportion of women in part-time jobs was a key factor in the gap in pension balances between men and women.

It is reported that the number of women in part-time jobs (44 per cent) is nearly three times that of men (16 per cent).
