
Introduction to the most complete coffee in history. Do you want to have a drink after reading it?

Did you go to the coffee shop and stare at a bunch of strange coffee varieties? Would you like to ask the waiter which one is better to drink? Learn a few kinds of coffee with the editor, the next time you drink coffee no longer a face confused.

1, espresso (Espresso)

Espresso is Italian espresso, bitter but fragrant.

2, Marchido (Espresso Macchiato).

Machidor often adds a layer of milk to espresso, which softens the bitter taste of espresso.

3, American Coffee (Americano)

American coffee is made of siphon pot, French pressure kettle and so on, but also can be made by adding a large amount of water to espresso.

4, White Coffee (Flat White)

White Coffee is not white, but is made by adding milk to espresso, full of milk without harming your stomach.

5, latte (Caffè Latte)

Add close to boiling milk to espresso, milk can be more or less, depending on personal preferences.

6, Herbal Blue (Espresso Con Panna)

Kangbao Blue is to add a layer of cream to espresso.

7, Breget / semi-latte (Cafe Breve)

The coffee is a mixture of half-milk and half-cream on espresso, or a little more milk foam.

8, cappuccino (Cappuccino)

Cappuccino is made from espresso, steam milk and foam milk with 1/3 each.

9, Caff è Mocha

This old coffee is made of espresso, chocolate paste, cream and milk. It sounds very good.

10, caramel macchido (Caramel Macchiato)

Caramelized marchiodas, add espresso to warm milk, vanilla and caramel.

11, Irish Coffee (Irish Coffee)

Coffee with wine flavor, including Irish Whiskey. Irish coffee

12, Viennese Coffee (Viennese Coffee)

Sprinkle sugar on the warm bottom of the coffee, then pour in the hot black coffee, and finally place the garnish cream on the coffee surface.

These are all the types of coffee brought by the editor. Do you have the idea of buying a cup or making a cup at once?
