
The chicken breast cut is green! Coles answered me!

A customer who bought chicken breast meat at a Coles supermarket in Victoria and found the meat in it was green, said angrily that they "would never go shopping there again."

Jamie。 Ferguson (Jamie Ferguson) bought RSPCA-certified chicken from Northcote Place Mall in northern Victoria. She posted a photo on social media with a caption: "Watch out, everyone. This is the chicken they sell in Coles. I won't go shopping there again. "

But this strange color change turns out to be quite normal, though undetectable until the chicken is cut.

A spokesman for Coles told, that they had contacted the customer and offered a full refund or replacement. She said the green meat, known as deep-breasted chicken transgender disease (DPM), is usually caused by "birds flapping their wings too much."

She said: "DMP is caused by the lack of oxygen in the muscles, resulting in swelling, which makes the meat green." This usually happens when a bird flaps its wings too much. It's harmless, and the taste of chicken won't change. "

She said the quality of supermarket products was "very important" and that they encouraged anyone who was unhappy with the product to return it.

In 2016, social media revealed that Coles's chicken "appears to be gangrene," after customers cut Coles's chicken and found something different, and dinner was destroyed. A spokesman for the supermarket clarified to the people that it was DPM.

The researchers noted that the number of cases of DPM is increasing, but "the disease does not affect the overall health of poultry, it is generally found in the process of cutting and removing bones."
