
Sydney's Parramatta will meet the best and biggest development opportunity in history

Daily Telegraph: Parramatta will meet the best and biggest development opportunity in history

The equivalent of two buses now emigrates to Parramatta every week.

They're moving here for a good reason, because there's going to be a huge development here, and it's going to be Sydney's South Bank..

Parramatta River will be large-scale development, great development.

Parramatta City Hall commissioned PricewaterhouseCoopers to investigate and report.

The Daily Telegraph received the report, and there will be large-scale developments in the city and riverside of Parramatta over the next five years, with very good prospects.

The prospect of large-scale growth over the next five years will be a more complex Parramatta, that will include many riverbanks and CBD developments.

The study found that Parramatta will have the biggest growth in its history in the next few years, with ParramattaCBD's economy rising from 23 billion today to A $30 billion in 2021.

Parramatta growth will also increase from 2.4% today to 4.6% five years later.

Among them, there will be great development on the riverside of Parramatta district, which will be the beautiful riverside for citizens to relax and live.

Here will be a lot of high-rise residential buildings, thousands of houses.

There will also be countless restaurants, coffee shops.

There will also be cultural and recreational centres built east of Church Street.

The development of Parramatta CBD is funded by state, district and private consortia.

The Grand Sydney Committee also strongly supported the development of Sydney's second CBD.

There will be two high-rise residential buildings on the banks of the Parramatta River:

1. 54-storey Meriton Building

2. Lidis Riverside Building

There will also be a new Museum of Dynamics moving from downtown to the riverside.

The population of the Parramatta district is also expected to have a huge leap forward.

The population of Parramatta will increase to two hundred and seventy one thousand by 2021.

The state also plans to build a nine-kilometer-long motorway from Sydney's Olympic Park, along the Parramatta River, to the city of Parramatta.

The chief commissioner of the Grand Sydney Planning Commission, first Lady Lucy Turnbull, told reporters that in our grand Sydney plan, the Parramatta River will be the green heart of the area, from Westmead, to the north of Parramatta and then to the Olympic Park Peninsula.

West Sydney's head of business, David Borger, says a city with rivers is blessed.

For the past 50 years, we have ignored the development of the riverside, and now we have to start again and develop it.

We're going to make it a coffee-rich little Southbank, Melbourne.

The development of ParramattaCBD is not limited to the banks of the Parramatta River.

ParramattaCBD will also be a huge development, and there will be a new Parramatta square in the center of the city.

A number of commercial and residential buildings will rise around the square.

These include the 90-story Aspire, which will be the tallest residential building in the new state.

There will also be two 38-story office buildings, which will be the tallest commercial-use building in Sydney's West end.

It is expected that the New State Planning Office will also be stationed in these buildings.

PricewaterhouseCoopers expects one hundred and eighty six thousand people to work at ParramattaCBD in five years' time.

The development of Parramatta Square is as striking as the development of Barangaroo in the heart of Sydney.

Parramatta Square will be the heart of this place.













