
It's no use restricting purchases! Supermarket customers still move whole shopping cart milk powde

A female customer took pictures of some of the milk powder purchased by customers in Woolworths filled with whole shopping carts. (photo No. 7)

According to the report on Channel 7, a female Adelaide customer was disgusted by the fact that some customers had bought more than two cans of milk powder at the Woolworths supermarket.

Recently, Mautehouse (Chantel Malthouse) filmed a shopping cart filled with milk powder at the Woolworths supermarket in (Kilkenny), Kirkenny.

On Saturday, she uploaded the video to Facebook, a social networking platform, and viewed it more than 47,000 times.

While Woolworths allowed customers to buy only two cans of milk powder, the video showed three shopping carts full of milk powder. After that, a man came and packed the milk powder in the shopping cart into a bag. Another woman came up and pushed a shopping cart full of milk powder.

"this is what happened in Australia," Mautehouse said. It's one of the things I hate most. " She thinks these people are hoarding milk powder to try to sell it overseas.

A spokesman for the Woolworths supermarket said the store team was trying to ensure that customers could buy the milk powder they needed.

The supermarket does not seem to worry about what is happening in the video. The spokesman said there were plenty of stores in Kirkenny on Saturday, and that's still the case. Supermarkets encourage parents who cannot find specific milk powder on the shelves to contact the store manager so that the supermarket side can offer products. As soon as possible

There are other videos showing as many as 30 customers scrambling for milk powder at a Coles supermarket in (Hurstville), a good market in Sydney, last month.

In response, a spokesman for Coles said Sydney was making every effort to ensure that all customers could buy milk powder.

In addition, a pair of Asian men and women were photographed by passers-by when they loaded dozens of cans of baby formula into a shopping cart outside a Chinese export shop in Sydney's good market, immediately after conflict broke out between the two sides.
