
How did Australia's top beef come from? Cows eat chocolate.

Australian beef is famous all over the world, among which Australia and cattle are the highest. But now a farm in South Australia has produced more distinctive cattle. Their beef not only tastes smooth and mellow, but also has the taste and taste of nuts. This is a feature that any other beef does not have.

The secret is that they feed the cows a mixture of Mam chocolates, and Nestle's Smarties has some crushed chocolates and cookies. Past farms often use honey and other high-fat products to make cattle fat. But the practice of the farm makes their beef unique.

70% of the beef in this farm is sold in Asia. In overseas markets, customers need to pay 400 Australian dollars for a steak. Some of their beef is also sold to some of Australia's top restaurants. In general, customers pay nearly A $400 for 300 grams of steak.

Another business at Mayura Station cattle farm is the farm's tasting room, a 40-minute drive from Mount Gambier, but people are happy to drive to the door to taste local beef.
