
Is it true that the weirdo laws of Australia are circulating on the Internet?

Australia's bizarre laws easily beat Chinese students. Many western countries now have laws that are outdated and unenforceable, but still exist. Some rules really make people laugh bitterly.

There are also some posts on the Internet about Australia's bizarre laws, which are real and what are false? Let's take a look.

True news

1. It is illegal to hold more than 50 kilograms of potatoes in Western Australia

Although this article looks ridiculous, it does exist and has been in effect since 1946. Under this rule, Western Australian potato marketing agency (Potato Marketing Corporation) has the right to stop any vehicle that could carry more than 50 kilograms of potatoes and check it routinely.

2. Sabotage a wedding or funeral could face a fine of $10,000.

In South Australia, anyone who deliberately obstructs or disrupts a wedding or funeral can be caught by police and fined up to $10,000 or two years in prison.

3. Pet class regulations

Apart from guide dogs, dogs cannot enter restaurants, coffee shops, department stores and other public places. Pets can be taken on public transport, but they need to be kept in cages or backpacks.

4. Damage faith doves break the law

In South Australia, any act of killing, wounding or catching a carrier pigeon is illegal and is liable to a maximum fine of A $250.

5. Paid notice may also break the law

In South Australia and Tahrena, if you publish a paycheck, do not ask where to find it, you break the law and are liable to a fine of up to A $500. The official reply is that you have the right to recover the lost property, but not to spare any possible thief.

[法] false news

1. In Victoria, it's illegal to change your own light bulb.

Telex: unless you have an electrician's certificate, it's illegal to change your bulb in your home, and you'll be fined 10 Australian dollars. Fortunately, a spokesman for the Victoria State Energy Department confirmed the rumor as rumour.

Although according to the Electric Power Safety Act, electrician work can only be operated by an electrician certified practitioner. But changing the bulb, pulling the plug is not an electrician's job, so changing the bulb is not illegal. "

2, where there is no public toilet, you can pee in the left rear wheel of your ca

Fake! In any Australian state, it is illegal to urinate in public, and may even face a fine of up to 500 Australian dollars.

Australia advocates multiculturalism, its inhabitants from all over the world, mainly Catholicism and Christianity, but also Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism. The main taboos, clothing, diet and funeral customs vary according to ethnicity.

Residents in Australia are concerned about natural and wildlife conservation, and many refuse to use protected animal leather products.

Australia is a country that pays great attention to civilization. The people of Australia are hospitable and generous, but they will also stop some bad manners.
