
What's wrong with Chinese stealing milk powder? If it were you, you'd rob it!

Chinese-or people who look Chinese-fill their supermarket trolleys with canned baby formula.

They disrespect others. Ignore other people-such as mothers who need special formula because their children suffer from lactose intolerance. They totally ignore Australian values. This is the accepted idea in Australia.

Every few weeks, angry passersby moms photograph a group of sneaky Asians, hoarding milk powder at the top of the shelves and hiding them in hatchbacks. The moms upload the photos to the group of moms on Facebook, followed by anger. But in fact, I think we should be on their side. We should support covert Chinese shoppers. We should clap for them.

Because the Chinese people, no matter what their "allies" like Australia pretend to be, they are trapped under the thumbs of the totalitarian regime. The regime repeatedly destroys consumers' rights to safe products, endangering the lives of children and all others.

In 2008, at least six babies died and thousands were seriously ill as a result of melamine poisoning. Melamine is a chemical extract adulterated in large quantities of Chinese infant formula.

Government responded by filing criminal charges against some manufacturing executives. Accusing them of deliberately adding melamine, a material used to make plastic bottles and containers, led regulators to believe formula contained more protein than it actually did.

But the scandal clearly didn't have much impact, as consumer-goods scandals sprung up. Adulterers process tofu in sewage to speed up fermentation. Lamb is actually mouse meat. From noodles to soup, chemicals and carcinogens are added.

The latest scandal is linked to vaccines, with rabies vaccines produced by a major vaccine manufacturer failing and ineffective, selling more than 250,000 doses of defective diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus vaccines. It is possible to kill and seriously endanger children.

By the way, China forces children to be vaccinated against the vaccine. I believe very much in the value of vaccination as a public health measure. I hate stories that keep anyone afraid to vaccinate a child, because in Australia, all the evidence suggests that our vaccine is safe and effective. I believe everyone should vaccinate their children.

This is just the latest in a series of major vaccine scandals in China, each time the government has vowed to take action against rogue manufacturers and lazy regulators.

You will often hear Australians complain that babysitter country infringes on their freedom.

But we should all thank ourselves for our luck, because we live in a place where regulations are strict and government agencies do their job to regulate the market.

China is giving way to a tycoon in the market who is apparently unregulated.

Not surprisingly, the Chinese are not very convinced that change will happen.

They found themselves a substitute-clean, safe baby formula made from milk from Australia and New Zealand.

If I have friends or relatives with children in China, no matter who takes pictures to humiliate me, I will continue to buy milk powder.


This article is translated from the Daily Telegraph in Claire Harvey
