
If you can't read this picture, you're tired! Chronic stress is leading you to obesity, depression and even death!

Unwittingly, you have become stressed, do you feel it?

Recently, a picture has become popular on the Internet. This is not the same image as the so-called grey or purple, pink or green shoes.

This picture has a bearing on everyone's mental health. Here's this strange-looking black-and-white picture:

This picture first caught fire in Japan's major forums, called: if you don't understand this picture, that means you are tired.

It seems to have been looking for a long time, but I can't see what it is. Japanese netizens say that if you can't see what this picture is, it means you have to rest. If you see the following four situations, there are still rescues.

01. It's a giant panda.

If you see the giant panda, you have a certain degree of fatigue, because the panda is the most easily seen shape, remember to rest your eyes, do not work against the computer for a long time, relax yourself in due course.

02 see it's a couple dancing.

If you see a couple dancing, it means you have a bit of stress at work, but it's not too much, but it's enough to make you feel tired, so relax yourself often after work. Don't always put so much pressure on yourself.

03 see the thick tree

When you see a big tree, you show that the fatigue index in your working life is very low, because you should be able to find out exactly where the tree is in such a complicated pattern, indicating that your fatigue index is still very low, and do not often walk away from work. Get into your work!

04. It's a cat.

See such a big cat you show that there is no feeling of exhaustion, whether it is work or life, must be very relaxed! How else can we find this big invisible cat exactly in so many patterns?

05 chronic stress has been torturing you

Many netizens who saw the picture said that although they could see the giant panda, they did not feel very strong pressure at ordinary times.

But, in fact, more familiar than we are, such as the upcoming speech, the pressure and tension of the heart bang, there is a stress that we rarely know, that is, chronic stress.

Chronic stress is a long-term persistent stress, causing serious harm to the human body. When faced with acute stress, the body will return to normal after the pressure disappears. Although chronic stress does not put the body into 100% full load working state as acute stress does, the body still cannot relax effectively. Although the intensity is not strong and the sympathetic response is not so strong, the damage caused by too long a time span is still irreversible.

In the face of acute stress, our bodies secrete "adrenaline" and "norepinephrine" to respond to the stress of the body, but these two hormones, do not continue to release.

Under chronic stress, the body releases cortisol, a long-lived glucocorticoid. Cortisol is arguably one of the most important regulatory hormones in the body, called stress hormones. Its different levels of secretion can maintain the body's different levels of intensity of the work.

Cortisol can keep your blood pressure stable and increase blood sugar levels in a stressful state.

Sometimes, we feel that moderate stress helps to focus on doing things, which, from a physiological point of view, is the amount of cortisol released that ensures that the body can work in a balanced manner at a certain level of energy, if there is no cortisol, We will be out of control under pressure, distracted and difficult to work effectively.

However, if the chronic pressure is superimposed or the pressure is large, high levels of cortisol are released!

The consequences are:

Increased liver nutrition metabolism, increased blood sugar content in a disguised manner, excess sugar is converted into fat. Why now "overworked fat" a say, why in the case of high pressure, many people are not tired thin but become fat, or because of this!

Under normal conditions, the liver monitors cortisol secretion. However, if the body is subjected to chronic stress for a long time, the liver, which is the largest immune organ in the body, is more likely to get sick if it is subjected to chronic stress, and the liver, which is metabolized like an engine for a long time without rest, will be damaged.

If under heavy work pressure, psychological pressure, especially easy to catch a cold or other problems, then you must have a deep understanding of this.

Excessive cortisol can stimulate gastric acid secretion, if excessive gastric acid secretion, excessive gastric acid has no effect, as long as it begins to corrode the gastric wall, gastric ulcer appears.

Do you understand now? Cause heartburn and pressure related, all the drugs for stomach diseases are neutralized gastric acid to maintain the appropriate PH, of the digestive tract, but this is the cure of the symptoms do not cure the root! The fundamental way is to regulate cortisol content!

06 failure to sleep on time amounts to chronic suicide

Normally, cortisol secretion patterns are as follows:

(1) the cortisol level of the body remained at a very low level from 22:00 to 5 am the following day. Because, at this time the body needs to rest and relax, does not need the high concentration of cortisol to deal with the stress.

(2) from 6: 00 to 8: 00, the concentration of cortisol increased to the highest level, which increased the working efficiency of the human body gradually in order to resist the immediate working pressure, so the efficiency of the first half of the morning was very good.

(3) from 8:00 to 22: 00, the concentration of cortisol decreased gradually except for the slight increase of 17: 00 to 22: 00. Therefore, people will feel more difficult to concentrate and more tired at the later stage of the work cycle of each day. (3) from 8:00 to 22: 00, the concentration of cortisol decreases gradually, except 17: 00 to 20: 00.

See here, you should know that people do not have a good rest, the next day how to react.

At this point, you should know what happens when you don't sleep at night, when cortisol levels don't come down.

If you do not conform to its changing laws, come out to mix, sooner or later it will be returned!
