
Smoking in these public places, fine on the spot! Australia's new rules are about to be introduced, smokers' nightmares are coming.

Australia is a very unfriendly place to treat smokers.

For smokers, living in Australia is like living in hell.

However, Sydney's government is about to introduce tougher laws that impose fines on smoking in public!

It is understood that the price of cigarettes in Australia is currently the highest in the world, according to Deutsche Bank (Deutsche Bank) 's global price report for 2017, followed by New Zealand.

Australian officials said such a high price would only lead to a "black market flood".

In addition to the 69 percent increase in tobacco tax, tobacco and tobacco products will be taxed on goods and services.

Even if cigarettes are expensive, a tough new policy may be implemented in Australia: anyone who smokes in a public place will be fined A $110.

(Hornsby) parliament, in Honesby, Sydney, is planning to crack down on smokers who ignore the "No smoking" (no smoking) logo.

Smoking within 10 meters of a children's amusement facility, playground or sports facility will be fined at the scene.

The council also organises or sponsors activities on the anti-smoking theme for smokers.

In addition, the committee has made many adjustments to the policy of creating a smoke-free environment.

It is reported that the increasing number of people smoking in public places, the city of Honeyby councillor Nathan Tilbury is calling for reform.

"A lot of smokers smoke in public places where smoking is not allowed, and they need to understand clearly where they can and can't smoke," Philip Ruddock, mayor of Hornsby, also said.

The Committee hopes the crackdown will stop people from smoking near children's facilities or public places.

If the new policy is approved, fines will also be imposed on anyone who smokes under a bus stop or taxi stop.

Quit smoking as soon as possible and enjoy a healthy life

Smoking is bad for your health, it's a clich é.

Hundreds of thousands of medicine have confirmed that cigarettes contain a lot of harmful substances and that as many as thousands of chemicals are released when cigarettes burn.

Tar is a combination of a variety of substances, inhalation of human body, in the lung will be broken down into a viscous substance, stubbornly adhere to the airway wall and alveoli, various bronchitis and even lung cancer occurrence is self-evident.

Smokers will be depressed, weak limbs, a highly decadent spiritual life.

It can also lead to a decline in memory and premature aging.

And nicotine is attached to the surface of the body for a long time, and will enter the body.

So, not only when smoking is physically injured, after smoking, nicotine is quietly destroying the body.
