
Two Australian boys were arrested for fishing for abalone, and the season for fishing abalone has come again. Hand-held hands show you how to fish abalone correctly in the state of Victoria.

Abalone meat is tender, fresh and not greasy, and has a very high nutritional value, so it is very popular with many friends, and now is also a good season for fishing abalone. But want to catch abalone friends can have to pay attention, in Australia, abalone is not you want to fish, want to fish can be caught! Fishing abalone but there are a variety of regulations, if not abide by, will be like the following two little brothers, by the police please go to tea!

Recently, two young men were arrested by fisheries authorities while fishing for abalone near Margaret River in southern Western Australia because they caught more abalone than required.

It is reported that according to Western Australia, licensed fishermen can only catch up to 20 abalone per day, but it is said that the number of abalone fishing by these two young men exceeds the rule by 20 times!

As a result, a fine of A $5000 per person, plus a fine of A $30 per abalone in excess, would result in a fine of at least A $12500 for the two young men.

At the time of their arrest, the two men claimed that they were fishing for abalone for their own food, but that was not the case, according to police officers involved in the case.

At present, the two young men are still in detention, the exact amount of fines need to be calculated in detail.

The regulations vary from state to state for abalone fishing.

So, what should your friends in Victoria do if they want to catch abalone?

Next, Xiao Wei will come to us for a moment to popularize science:

Fishing certificate

First, catching any fish in any waters of Victoria requires a fishing permit, (Recreational Fishing Licence (RFL), under 18 and over 70.

In addition, there are many types of fishing permits, with a minimum of three days (A $10), 28 days (A $20), a year (A $35) and three years (A $95). The license is non-transferable, but it can be bought in some DEPI offices in Victoria and sold in some fishing gear stores, the easiest way to do so is to buy it online.

Buy online at

2. Fishing time

According to the regulations of the Victorian Fisheries Department, the fishing of abalone can only take place within the following prescribed time periods:

Every Saturday, Sunday during the period from 16 November this year to 30 April next year;

All statutory public holidays in Victoria for the period from 16 November this year to 30 April next year;

L December 25 this year until the second Sunday of January next year.

It is important to note that it is forbidden to catch abalone at night.

3. Regional restrictions:

L must be in an area more than two metres deep.

L Port Phillip Bay: permanently bans fishing for abalone.

L Central Victorian waters: can only be fished within the time specified above.

Central Victorian waters refers to the waters between the east of the Aire River estuary and Arch Rock (near Cape Liptrap), including Port Phillip Bay.

4. Size limits

In the Victoria waters west of the Hopkins River estuary to the South Australia border, the minimum size of the abalone (greenlip) can be 13 cm;

The minimum size of other species of abalone that can be fished is shown in the following figure:

Therefore, when you fish abalone, you must bring measuring equipment (where fishing permits are available), fishing abalone too small size will be fined.

Also measure from the broadest part of the abalone shell.

5. Quantitative limits

L near the waters of Port Phillip Bay: only up to 5 abalone can be fished at a time (abalone is prohibited)

1 near other waters of Victoria: a maximum of 5 abalone can be fished at a time (of which the number of abalones should not exceed 2)

Number of shelled abalone carried anywhere in Victoria: no more than 10 at a time (of which the number of abalone should not exceed 4)

It is also important to note that:

Must use blunt weapons to peel abalone, not to use knives, screwdrivers and other sharp tools;

L the abalone must be taken home and then peeled, and the State of Victoria stipulates that fishers shall not strip abalone in the waters area;

To catch abalone should be moderate, must not "kill all";

The abalone that is caught can only be eaten by itself and is prohibited for sale.

Now that you know everything, where do you get it?

Here are two good places for you. One is Cape Shanck, and the other is Penguin Island. You can take a boat from Crib Point to Penguin Island.

In fact, there are abalone in many places, some rocky seaside will have.

Cape Shanck

[地名] [南极洲] Penguin I.

Finally, you are reminded that although abalone is tempting, diving to catch abalone is a very dangerous outdoor activity, before going to the safe life-saving preparation, understand the tide time and location, recommended to be accompanied by professionals.
