
Big demand, high-paying jobs, fast becoming SRE senior by 2020

Carpenter Institute:

Our slogan: Find a craftsman and fail an exam offer,.

Carpenter's College covers business: IT community, university coaching, skills training, job training, etc. IT related business

IT community: covered IT job search group, sydney, brisbane, melbourne local group, large front end, php,AI, block chain, Java,Mobile,Laraval and other professional technology groups. Every day tens of thousands of activities, also proved that we are IT a group of warm, ideal, more loving groups

University Tutoring: covering all colleges and universities in Australia, providing IT/CS related courses in small classes /1 V1 tutoring, with escort courses, pre-test sprint classes, homework intensive classes ,1 v1 private customization courses, etc.

Skills training: zero basic web introductory training course, web full stack training course, zero basic data analyst course, data full stack course, AWS certificate project course, DevOps project practice course, project practice course, BA project class, project internship plan, return project course, etc.

Job training: resume revision, interview guidance, career planning, simulation interview, Tech technical guidance, web/ data / product manager job placement package guidance, etc., return employment services, etc.
