
The experiment proved that water can understand human language, and water has its own language.

Each person's life will have a different experience, experience a different fate, some rich and expensive, some people down and down, some Shunfeng Shunshui, some bumps and ups and downs, which exist in what laws? We do not advocate superstition, but we can prove through scientific means some things and laws that we cannot understand, and then scientific discoveries seem to let people touch on some "divine" secrets!

One scientist studied and experimented with water and repeated it millions of times. The experiment shook the world. He was also invited to the United Nations for a special presentation for the experiment. The theme is: "all things in the world can be communicated, ideas in the mind, words spoken and written, have an impact on water, and water can understand the meaning of the response to the corresponding response." This experiment also reveals a truth, which Laozi said more than two thousand years ago: "Heaven and earth are my roots, and everything is one with me." -. It seems that we used to think of it as a superstitious discourse and found the basis for a scientific solution!

The experiment has many followers, and most of them are scientists who, to spread the results of the experiment, organized an explanation at a subway station in the United States. It can be seen that this experiment has a significant impact on the scientific community, and it is also a huge "secret" for human beings!

Let's take a brief look at the record of the experiment: water can understand what people mean. The crystal of "thank you" water on the glass bottle becomes this way. No matter which language you use, as long as the mind of the person is the idea of gratitude. The crystallization of water is very complete and perfect.

This is Chinese thanks.

This is Hebrew thanks.

The following picture shows thanks in Turkish

The following picture shows the thanks of Thai!

Thank you in Portuguese below!

The following experiment is what the crystal of water looks like after the bottle is affixed with happiness and misfortune. The bottle with happiness label, the crystal of water is relatively complete and beautiful. Like a work of art carefully carved by the artist's hand, it is perfect. Through this symmetrical crystal shape, it seems that it is a condition for happiness to be able to maintain a good balance. And the bottle with the unfortunate label, the crystallization of water is not uniform, incomplete crystallization. However, it seems to be in the process of crystallization. It seems that misfortune is not the opposite of happiness. It is an inevitable process leading to happiness. This seems to explain another truth, even when we are in misfortune, hope, as long as we do not give up hope, happiness will come.

Put the label "husband and wife's love" on the bottle, the crystal of water is big crystal and embrace small crystal. It's like telling people that the word "understanding of water" means that the two crystals represent the husband and the wife, respectively.

And affix the love of the family. The crystallization of the water was covered with layers and overlapped. Like parents and children, they are connected in harmony.

Science let us know that 70% of the body is composed of water, your body of water crystal, if often because of anger, jealousy, stinginess, resentment and so on bad evil ideas, by bad psychological state, how can it become good? The water that makes up the body produces bad crystallization, and then forms bad cell, bad blood, bad organization, thus affects the health of the body, how can we live a long and healthy life? If you have the money, the power, the bad crystallization of water, how can you get a good return from the water? How can you always be good without good feedback?

Here are a few bad words to experiment with water, and who gave the crystal that looked like this:

This is the crystal of cancer-attached water.

German son of a bitch's water crystal, it looks scary and scary.

It's a degenerated German crystal of water.

It's the crystal of water that's stuck with French bastards.

Through this experiment, you can derive other experiments, you can read poems or other things, listen to songs, you can do any act, say any words, put into any ideas, Water will give you a corresponding response and feedback.

The crystallization of water produced by Mozart music.

Water supply listen to the forest nocturnal crystallization, is not very hazy, very quiet, there is a kind of dreamy feeling:

This is the crystallization of the four Seasons Symphony for Water:

Others put strawberries in the bottle with four different words, and found that the decay time was different. The decaying time with beautiful words was obviously much later than that with bad words.

There were news reports about 350 people praying for the polluted lake in the world at the time, that is, 350 people at the same time issued a good idea of the lake's water, the lake's water pollution in a week of inexplicable good!

This may be the "language" of water. Human speech is expressed through words, and body language, and the language of water may be communicated and communicated through these crystalline shapes. Water is just an example of everything, and other things may be like water, with different reactions to different ideas. If you have a good idea for it, it will give you a good return and reflection.
