
Sydney craftsman, Business number Analysis, help you call it a comprehensive data analyst.

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Business Data Analysis Class

Distinguish between the accelerated skills taught in the mainstream business data course, which includes low replicable core skills from EXCEL complex functions to enhanced VBA& Python programming. The training mode of business thinking makes programming easy to understand.

The course consists of two main parts:

The first part: ADVANCED EXCEL&VBA (the most popular job search / promotion No.1 weapon, making you an irreplaceable part of the company)-this part skipped the long programming theory foundation, starting from the use of case lines to write a practical and efficient Mini Programs so that students can immediately use their own code in their current work and study. Live and breathe EXCEL, let coding become your second nature

Part Two: Zero Basic Python-Python ForData Analysis (25 hours in total) After completing this course, students will have the ability to independently use Python in practice for complex descriptive data analysis, multi-data source integration report automation, and the use of forecasting algorithms for sales, market forecasting. Students use the real company sales data set in practice

** Excellent students, tutors will be promoted to mentor and co-operative company internship or full-time work

Suitable for people:

  • Professionals who do not have the basis of data programming; aspire to enter the field of data analysis business, liberal arts students. Programming and automated data analysis give you an advantage in competing for business analysts in traditional sectors.

The employment rate of other training schools is better than that of other training schools.

After an accumulation of business data analysis classes, 40 percent of students found full-time jobs as soon as they finished their courses, while another 30 percent found full-time jobs in three months. Because of the real job offer, we are also confident that craftsmen and craftsmen's mentors really help many students find jobs.

Top mentor team

Technician instructors team is a multi-year-experience IT coach team, and each training is taught by big cattle in their own field. Mentor is also famous school graduation and enterprise experience, from Baidu to Alibaba, from ThoughtWorks to Microsoft, Amazon, from SeniorDeveloper to CTO, and join the world IT professional resources of IT.

Quickly contact the craftsmen for more information social app: sydney jiangren
