
The New Zhou Jiaqiang Insurance is down by 13 Australian dollars next year, the lowest in 11 years.

New Zhou Insurance premiums cut by A $13 next year (Daily Mail photo)

New state drivers will save up to A $13 in third-party mandatory insurance premiums from next year as part of the new state government's plan to slash insurance costs sharply.

The average cost of third-party compulsory insurance will fall to A $501 from January, the lowest level since 2011, the Daily Mail reported.

Dominique (Victor Dominello), the new state's finance director, said insurance costs would soar if the car accident injury Act 2017 (Motor Accident Injuries Bill 2017) failed to reform. Under Labour's old plan, the average cost of third-party compulsory insurance would climb to a record A $654.

As fuel prices continue to soar, lower insurance costs are good news for car drivers. That, too, is the government's strategy to attract support from voters ahead of next March's general election.
