
I can't afford to drive! Melbourne oil prices skyrocketed to 161.9c, a four-year high! Experts predict that it will go up next!

Are you up near your house? Melbourne's oil price is up, up! Crazy! Yeah!

Since last week, the entire Melbourne oil price has been advancing all the way.

Today, the price of unleaded gasoline at some gas stations has risen to 161.9c per litre.

161.9c! Another four-year high!

Everyone was frightened to see the gas station trembling.

Really can afford to buy a car, can not afford to fuel ah!

And what's more, that's not the case!

Looking at it, there are almost half of Melbourne's gas stations, and today's oil prices are at 159.9c!

It's too hard to find a one below 140c!

Even Melbourne's average oil price today is as high as 158.4c!

In other words, the average price is higher than the previous highest price, also! Yes! High!

But that's not the worst. The worst thing is, next, oil prices are likely to go up. Up! Up!

We use three charts to illustrate.

First, Brent crude rose to more than $80 last week, the highest since November 2014!

The rise in crude oil futures led to a rise in gasoline prices in Singapore.

Second: last week, gasoline prices in Singapore jumped by 5.2% to $US91.70, a gallon, a three-and-a-half-year high.

Most of Australia's gasoline is shipped through Singapore, where oil prices have risen, and Australia will naturally go up.

Third: last week, wholesale prices for unleaded gasoline in Australia rose 2.5% to an average of 135.2 c per litre.

The rise in wholesale prices has led to further increases in retail prices at gas stations, where oil prices have risen to more than 140c in most parts of Australia and more than 150c.

Moreover, Ryan Felsman, a senior economist at Commsec, said the momentum was not over, and the rise in Singapore's gasoline prices heralded higher oil prices in Australia in the coming weeks.

In conclusion, the price of oil has not reached the end of the year, and it may go up next!

And even more, the experts in New Zealand today said New Zealand's oil price rose to $3 a litre in 12 months, equivalent to 2.75 Australian dollars.

As for why Australia's oil price will rise, this pot has to be carried by the United States.

A spokesman for the RACQ said that the main reason for the increase in oil prices in Australia was:

1. The volatile situation in the Middle East

In February, the United States announced its withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement and threatened to impose severe sanctions on Iran.

As we all know, Iran is the third-largest oil exporter in the OPEC, and once sanctions are imposed, it is likely that international oil supplies will become unstable and oil prices will naturally rise.

This is not, the big brother of the United States has not done it, Australia's younger brother has suffered first.

In addition, the unrest in the Middle East is also caused by the United States.

On April 14 this year, the United States took the lead in a precision strike against Syria, razing Syria's chemical weapons base to the ground.

The United States is blowing up, but Australia is down a lot!

Because Australia's own fuel reserves are very low, the outside world is a mess, Australia will have oil.

At that time, the Australian media reported that Australia's oil emergency.

Naturally, the average price of unleaded gasoline has risen to 146.6c since April, the highest level since 2014.

Oil prices across Australia, including Melbourne, have started another round since last week, although they have since fallen back.

Alas, I don't know when the price increase will end.

The only relief is that some gas stations are still under 140c, relatively low, so if you need fuel, you can first use FuelCheck APP to check some oil prices, choose the most cost-effective place to refueling.
