
Chinese aunts act as demons overseas! Drying underwear openly outside the hotel! It is normal to defecate anywhere.

It is the peak season of tourism, however, the mixed quality of tourists, as well as the cultural differences between China and the United States, have also made the "wonderful behavior" of many Chinese tourists eye-catching!

Recently, in a hotel in San Gabriel, Los Angeles, there were Chinese aunts who had just traveled to the United States as their balcony, not only in the swimming pool, but also in the swimming pool.

More in the public singing to dry underwear bra, attracted the eyes of the people around!

Embarrassed, aunt in the hotel openly drying underwear, bra!

Steve, a tourist operator who has more than 20 years of experience in the United States, told the media that he had just received a Chinese tour group to the United States a few days ago, World Daily reported.

The group of tourists stayed at a hotel near the San Gabriel Valley. Because of the hot weather, the hotel told tourists that they could use the hotel's father-in-law swimming pool to relieve the summer heat.

Online pictures (independent of content)

Generally speaking, public swimming pools wash their bodies before going into the water. But I never thought that one morning, the next behavior of a Chinese aunt was amazing!

Steve said the Chinese aunt took a shower in the pool and then rubbed her pants in the pool with the clothes she carried with her.

The most silly thing is that, although the hotel provides dryers, but in order to save the dryer money, the Chinese aunt actually pulled up a pair of clothes rope in the two rooms on the first floor of the hotel, underwear, bra all openly dry in the sun!

Chinese aunt drying underwear in hotel

Due to cultural differences, the display of private laundry in public has hardly been seen in the United States!

As a result, this behavior of Chinese aunts has also attracted the attention of many tourists and staff from other countries!

Passers-by also pointed out, to this discussion, so that the whole tour group is embarrassed.

The quality is worrying

Everywhere defecation, tour guide has long seen strange!

Miss Z, a tourist owner from China, said that in recent years, with the increasing number of Chinese tourists to the United States, the quality of tourists is also uneven, a variety of strange behaviors are even more eye-opening!

A tour guide in the United States told Miss Z that a Chinese mother squatted directly in the bathroom to urinate on the ground and threw a lot of toilet paper on the urine. After her urination, the white American old woman who was in the back of him, was respected to wipe the urine stains of the Chinese mother.

The guide said that there was a row of Americans watching...

In addition, although tour guides repeatedly remind everyone to travel civilized, line up civilized, don't cut in line, don't talk loudly in the hotel lobby, don't spit anywhere, throw garbage, but these tourists don't think so.

Wherever they spit up and where they go, a row of Americans at every scenic spot is waiting in line to take pictures, but when it comes to Chinese tourists, they don't care about the others, they don't wait in line, and they can't call them up.

Miss Z said,

Once a tour guide said that taking Chinese tourists is too tired, but for the money, I would not bother to bring. Although many Chinese tourists are angry after listening, they can only be silent.

Don't let others think that all Chinese people do not have quality because of the behavior of some mouse shit. Is it really that difficult to pay a little attention to your own behavior?
