
Box Hill found the body of an old man who lived alone in China. Chen's body was found only a few weeks ago. Police believe the cause of death is abnormal!

Last night, almost all Australian media reported at the same time that the body of a Chinese woman was found in a property in Canterbury Road, near Box Hill South, the largest Chinese district in eastern Melbourne, and the deceased was identified as 50-60 years old. It's an old man who lives alone. His name is Eva Wu..

The body had been found by Chen Fang for weeks by the time he was found by his children on Tuesday morning.

The Chinese woman, Eva Wu, aged about 50, has been living alone in Box Hill South's home.

Neighbors recalled that Ms. Wu had not been seen coming out of the house for weeks, and that there had been no movement, nor had the lights been lit.

Her car, a red Toyota Corolla, hadn't moved for almost three weeks, and they thought she was back in China.

It was not until Tuesday morning that Ms. Wu's daughter entered the house and found her mother dead. As a result, the state police immediately closed the scene. And found that the courtyard of the house is already dilapidated, bushes.

Obviously, it has been a long time since nobody has cleaned this place.

It is reported that Ms. Wu has a daughter in her twenties.

The house Ms. Wu lived in was bought with her husband in 2006, and the two men run a traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture clinic nearby.

But according to neighbors, Ms. Wu has always lived here on her own and told them that she was divorced and accompanied by two puppies, and that nearby neighbors often saw her walking her dog alone. When you meet a neighbor, you say hello politely.

She was quiet and took care of herself.

Later, a neighbor, Mario, said in an interview with the police: "he often sees Ms. Wu out walking her dog. Although he has not really talked to her, she seems to be a very good person."

At the news of Wu's death, Mario choked for a while, saying: "I really can't imagine that a person may have died there for weeks, but no one knows."

Another neighbor, Steve Hook, also said: "when I heard the news, my mind was blank. Ms. Wu was a very friendly person, but this tragedy happened to my neighbors."

Victoria police spokesman Belinda Batty said the cause and timing of the woman's death remained unclear, but it was certain that it was not a normal death, and that the police did not rule out the possibility of his killing.

The police will have an autopsy on Wednesday.

The remains were cremated quickly, and everything was simplified.

At present, the incident has not yet made a new step, but the elderly living alone, the corpses have not been found for days, but deeply hurt our hearts.

It reminds us that there was a will written by an old man living alone in Nanjing, but only a few words, "the body cremated quickly, everything from frugality", but let people sad, just a few words let us understand the old man's despair.

The body of the old man was found only two months later, when police arrived at the scene and found the note, which was stuck in a clip on the wall. It was not until the police reached out to the old man's son that he came back to deal with the funeral.

From this, we can learn that the son has not been in touch with his mother for a long time, not just two months after his death, it should have been a year and a half years ago.

The same thing has happened more than once in Australia.

In July 2017, a 91-year-old single-living man in (Glenmore Park), Glencore Park, Sydney, accidentally fell behind the courtyard ditch and was frozen to death after no one found it.

It was not until early Friday morning that his son discovered that fashion was still alive, but was later rescued and died. Police preliminary investigation suggested that the old man may fall last night, trapped no way to rescue, night cold died of cold.

Neighborhood neighbors revealed that the old man and his wife moved to the area two years ago, and his wife died shortly after his arrival. The old man has been living alone since then, and many of the moving cartons have not been opened.

No one can feel how lonely the old man is in despair, but it is in this emotion that he ends his life.

What kind of tragedy has happened to this old man surnamed Wu in Melbourne? we do not know yet. We do not know that Xiao Wei will pay attention to the progress of the situation and hope that the police will restore the truth as soon as possible and punish the murderer severely!

I hope that every overseas Chinese can care for each other and enjoy each other's peace and happiness!

Police have opened an investigation into the murder of a woman in a separate house in Melbourne's eastern district, according to previous reports.

The body was found in a separate house in Canterbury Road, Box Hill South, Melbourne's East side, Tuesday morning.

The kiosk has opened an investigation into whether the woman committed suicide or whether the cause of death was related to the murder.

It is understood that the woman has been dead for many days, her body was found by her family.

"the woman's cause of death is still in the process of being corroborated and the police are conducting an in-depth investigation," a Victorian police spokesman said.
