
Tourists are photographed driving backwards on Ocean Road, and the state of goverment urges self-driving tourists to pay attention to traffic safety.

The silver car was lucky enough to avoid collision.

The record, provided by Lindhoff (Shanan Greenhough), shows an astounding video of tourists driving towards the car in front of them. The accident occurred near the famous self-driving road in Victoria province. The video shows a silver car heading back towards Linhoff's car near the famous Tokey (Torquay) on Oceanic Road.

Linhoff told the Herald Sun that although he escaped unhurt, he reported the accident to the police. Police investigation found that the violation of the car was provided by Tara Merin airport (Tullamarine Airport) rental.

The accident came months after goverment, Victoria, announced it would install multilingual signs along Ocean Road for international travelers.

Road sign information is shown in Mandarin and English and will be used to indicate up to 25 road signs.

"it's just a simple idea, but it's going to have a huge impact on everyone on the ocean road," Donnellen (Luke Donnellan), director-general of the Office of Road and Safety, said in September.

An estimated 7 million visitors visit Ocean Road each year, the highest of which is China.
