
Australian kindergartens are expected to raise prices by another 10% after July 1. Parents are forced to resign!

A wave of Australian kindergartens has just announced a 10% rise in prices in the next fiscal year, or $12 a day. The move will add to the burden on Australian households.

The G8 Education, the Australia's second-largest child care center with a market value of more than 1 billion Australian dollars, announced that its 516 kindergartens would rise by 5.5 per cent from July 1, and just half a year ago, they had just risen by 5.25 per cent.

In the last decade, kindergarten fees have risen by 80%, almost tripled. The cost of raising children is rising!

Although Australian kindergartens have long claimed subsidies, and since July 2 this year, government has merged previous subsidies such as FTB and CCR into a new child care grant, (CCS), but has been claiming that this is a benefit for parents and will increase the level of the subsidy.

For example, families who earn less than $66958 a year receive 85% of the kindergarten allowance, and those earning $66958 / 171958 can receive 50% / 85% of the subsidy. The higher the income, the less the subsidy. More than $251248 will not be subsidized.

However, what did not expect is that, further increase, this amplitude can not catch up with the kindergarten price increase ah!

In this regard, the masses differ in their views:

Mandy Moo: "No offense, but if having children is a personal choice, why should taxpayers be responsible for raising them for you?" My mother didn't get any benefits when she raised me, and now government is suddenly a big deal without paying for child care? I know raising children is expensive, but I don't understand why I don't have children without welfare, and I have to pay taxes! "

Jodi: "should regulate the pricing of childcare to stop these hungry owners!" Years ago, I leave this industry because parents' costs have been rising, but our wages remain unchanged. It's shameless. "

Natalie: Kindergarten rises prices at least once a year, and sometimes twice a year. Because they have to pay to increase salary costs and ensure that children are well cared for under strict rules and regulations. The subsidy has nothing to do with the increase in tuition fees! "

Gasoline goes up, prices go up, nursery fees go up. According to this posture, salary can't keep up with it at all.

This forced many Australian parents, especially their mothers, to resign and bring up their children on a full-time basis. Do you know if this does not match government's original intention of kissing?
