
Australian Chinese women buy bones to cook soup, the meat unexpectedly drilled out 3 live maggots!

Go to a Chinese butcher's shop in Sydney's inner west side to buy a barrel bone to cook a pot of delicious soup. Unexpectedly, as soon as he came home to open the bag, the stench came, and three maggots were drilled out of the meat!

Last week, Ms. Han met the drum bone "send" maggots worry. That day, she immediately threw the bones out of the house, "don't want maggots to spend the night."

The butcher manager denied it, saying that the bones were stored in the 0 ℃ freezer, often in excess of demand, and that the barrel bones sold could not grow maggots.

$3.2 to buy a barrel without a small ticket

On Nov. 10, taking Saturday off, Ms. Han took a train to the city where the butcher shop was in for a physical check-up.

After the inspection was over, it was 12:00, and she thought about buying something to go home.

"I'd like to cook the soup." Ms Han admitted that this was her first time to buy a barrel. Usually, she buys less vegetables, occasionally drinks pig bone soup, also by her boyfriend to buy ingredients.

(photo source: Web)

Coincidentally, there was a butcher's shop near the railway station, and Ms. Han was just passing by.

Han recalls, the butcher shop is not big, there is a row of freezer on the right side, put various kinds of meat.

At that time, Ms. Han was the only customer, serving a smaller Chinese male employee.

(photo source: Web)

When she learned that Ms. Han needed a barrel, a pig's leg bone, "he walked to a small door, leaned against the door, and took some out."

Ms. Han said she asked for four, for A $3.2, and employees cut half of them at her request.

Ms. Han said she did not see whether the barrel was taken out of the freezer.

"there is a very thick plastic bag inside, the mouth of the bag has been twisted several times, and there is also a plastic bag outside." Ms. Han said she used to buy meat in supermarkets and never bought troubled meat, so she didn't open the bag to look at it.

Ms. Han paid 10 yuan in cash. She said the employee did not provide a small ticket for 00:00, nor did she offer it.

Then, Ms. Han went to the neighborhood to buy some green vegetables, then took the train home in the adjacent area.

Open the bag and climb three maggots out of the meat

"from the butcher's, not more than half an hour." When she got home, Ms. Han said, she immediately put the barrel in the refrigerator's freezer.

After a rest of about 2 hours, she took the barrel out of the refrigerator and tried to rinse it with boiling water. As a result, as soon as the plastic bag was opened, there was a smelly smell of nostrils.

"like the spoiled smell of food that has been in place for a few days, it smells like a garbage can." Reminiscent of the day, Ms. Han is still very "loathing."

Because of a little myopia, she stared at the barrel for more than a dozen seconds before discovering something wriggling.

"there are two maggots in the meat!" Ms. Han saw maggots on the meat of one of the barrel bones and immediately took out her mobile phone to take a video. Suddenly, the third maggot crept out of the meat.

She also sent videos to her boyfriend and co-workers for judgment because she bought less meat and vegetables, fearing that she would store them improperly.

"it's only half an hour home from the butcher's, it's impossible to grow maggots like this." "there must be something wrong with the meat." "it's not very hot today. Bugs can't grow in half an hour." So they said to Ms. Han.

Ms. Han said the bag cost just A $3.2, and she did not want to make another trip. In addition, even if the shop is willing to change, she "also dare not take it again."

"I'm not trying to wangle the money, so I'm not going to confront you." Then, without checking the other bones, she threw a bag of bone into her garbage bin.

At about 6 p.m., just after her boyfriend got home, Ms. Han immediately asked him to throw the barrel bone out of the house. "I don't want maggots to spend the night at home," she said.

Ms. Han's boyfriend glanced at the barrel in the trash can and expressed nausea. "nothing like this has ever happened."

Although early detection, but the three maggots still affected the two to eat dinner. "feeling sick, especially after watching the video." Ms. Han said.

Butcher's: supply is too short to grow maggots

"if the employee knew it was bad and sold it, it would be unethical." 'If employees don't know that the barrel is broken, it's doubtful that the rest of the meat in the store is fresh, 'Ms. Han said angrily.

She said there were many Chinese in the butcher's area, and there were many old people with poor eyesight. They were careless and might have bought fresh meatmeal.

Therefore, she hopes to tell Sydney today about her experience, reminding other consumers to keep their hearts open to buying ingredients in the future, "don't go without looking at it", and hope that businesses can fix it as soon as possible.

On the afternoon of Nov. 14, Australian App reporters dialed the butcher's phone today.

A man surnamed Liu called himself the butcher's manager and responded to the incident.

"that's impossible. Our bones are fresh." After understanding the intention of the reporter's call, Mr. Liu denied Ms. Han's statement. According to manager Liu, a pig has only 2 barrel bones, which are often in short supply. "often not enough to sell, not more than 3 days to sell out, usually 2 days."

(photo source: Web)

Liu stressed that the bones are placed in the 0 ℃ freezer, the freezer 24 hours a day without power. Moreover, the freezer is usually closed, "to take the goods before opening."

In response, Mr. Liu repeatedly denied selling long maggots. "our store has been open for years, and nothing like this has ever happened."
