
The illegal brothel of Canberra is growing, the environment is dirty and abominable.

Authorities found a dirty illegal brothel in Kingston (Kingston) last year. (Australian Broadcasting Corporation Photo)

Capital Territory police have raided illegal brothel in Canberra and are deeply concerned about the health and well-being of vulnerable foreign slave workers in these areas.

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, senior police officers in the Capital Territory said that the police's sexual invasion investigation team was working with the Australian Border Service (ABF) to more actively seize underground workers. Since last July alone, 10 illegal brothel have been seized and four people have been prosecuted.

Detective Superintendent Muller (Scott Moller) said illegal brothel is usually in harsh conditions because it does not require health and safety checks. Police videotaped last year showed the illegal brothel hiding in unhygienic, dirty and moldy buildings.

In addition, the situation of these sex workers from Southeast Asia is even more worrying. The women are believed to be between the ages of 23 and 65, and Morel points out that he is most concerned about their exploitation, their health and well-being.

It is reported that these women are sold to Australia, and the crime gane has a tendency to exploit vulnerable women.

Victims often come to Australia through debt-related schemes, and serpents ask them to work to repay debts that they cannot pay off, sometimes even in vain, leading to psychological abuse, Morrell said.

In many cases, the women believed they had come to Australia to work as maids or waitresses, but they were forced into prostitution and taken away with passports, and were enslaved in a country that was completely unfamiliar in language and culture.

Many women don't speak English and are vulnerable, and prostitution has become their only choice, Morrell said. And because they are in debt, they are afraid to talk to the police and refuse to cooperate.

He also pointed out that the destruction of illegal brothel needs the help of the public. Authorities seized three illegal brothel in Argyle Apartments in Rhett (Reid) last September, thanks to popular report. The seizure of an illegal brothel in Kingston's (Kingston) last November was also the result of popular report.

Mr. Moller said police could be contacted if people noticed an unusually large number of people, especially men, coming in and out of nearby apartments at strange times. In addition, there has been a sudden increase in the number of people in and out of the country, believing that many illegal brothel are "one shot for another."
