
Do you think you ate real meat in Australia? Woolworths shredded meat.

Recently, Australian supermarket giant Woolworths launched a new product, "minced meat", but a small detail error, it has been criticized by netizens and consumers.

At first glance, the product looks no different from other "minced meat". But sharp-eyed consumers still see differences in the product, which is placed in Woolworths's frozen meat product area.

But a closer look revealed that the A $8 minced meat was made from 100% pure plants. As a substitute for minced meat, Australian vegetarian company Funky Fields has launched a new revolutional product, a meat mince made entirely from plants.

100% pure plant meat?!

However, it is not the product itself that is in dispute. While vegetarians everywhere are excited by the launch of the new meat-free product, some have expressed dissatisfaction with its location.

One shopper said on Woolworths's Facebook page: "it's great to have vegan 'minced meat'! But why put it in the meat area? Like many vegetarians, I don't go to that area to buy, there are a lot of meat products, and the bloody smell makes me sick. "

"vegetarians don't go there, and they don't want to go there. Please consider putting it in the vegetarian section of the supermarket, thank you. "

Another customer left a message: "100% of the plant meat is really good, but could you separate it from the real meat?" If I put it too close to the dead animal, I won't come near the container or buy it. A better way is to put it in a non-meat area, thank you. "

One consumer thinks it's a good thing to put the vegetarian product in the meat area. "I think this may be a good thing. I think this vegetarian meat can make people who are used to eating fish and meat change their tastes occasionally."

"We know that some customers want to reduce their traditional protein intake in their diet, or find other foods to replace 100 percent pure meat products in pursuit of a balanced intake of meat and vegetable protein," a supermarket spokesman for Woolworths said. In response, we are pleased to introduce FunkyFields's plant minced meat to meet the needs of this segment of the customer. "

To cater to vegetarians, Australia's first-ever pure plant, "minced meat," has the same structure as meat, even with the same protein content.

"it has the same structure, nutritional value and cooking methods as meat, and tastes like meat," the company said.
