
The British Broadcasting Corporation burst: do not drink but die early, drinking people actually live longer?!

On many occasions, we are inseparable from wine. Studies of the link between drinking and health abound, saying that a small amount of alcohol is good for health, that even moderate alcohol consumption is not good, and that there is no safety limit for drinking.

So is drinking good or bad? Should drink or should not drink, how much to drink just right?

According to a new UK study on alcohol and health, a new UK study on alcohol and health did not seem to be good at all, according to an article published yesterday by The British Broadcasting Corporation.

A study by Queen's University of Belfast (Queen's University Belfast), an established British school, is published in Public Library of Science Medicine.

The lead author of the article, Dr. Andrew Kunzmann, said their study found that:

Mild drinkers had a lower mortality rate, that is, those who drank less than one cup of alcohol per day on average.

People who had never been exposed to alcohol were 7% more likely to die and be diagnosed with cancer than mild drinkers.

Severe alcoholics, or those who drink more than three glasses a day, are 20 percent more likely to die and have cancer than light drinkers.

To provide clearer information Dr., Andrew Kunzmann's team decided to assess cancer and mortality outcomes at the same time using the same method and population to look at the overall link between alcohol and mortality and cancer.

The team conducted an average of about 9 years of follow-up for 100,000 adults aged 55 to 74, examining health survey data in prostate cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer and ovarian cancer screening tests.

Participants completed a diet survey to ask them how they drank at different stages.

For the purpose of the study, the researchers divided the volunteers into eight groups, ranging from total non-drinking to severe alcoholics, based on the amount of alcohol they consumed.

A combination of all the survey data concluded that those who drank a small amount of alcohol had a lower mortality rate than those who did not drink at all.

The researchers hope that the public will be able to make wise and healthy choices after a thorough understanding of the strong relationship between drinking and health.

But that doesn't mean people who don't drink alcohol from now on start drinking to improve their health.

Because researchers can't figure out why a small number of drinkers have a lower mortality rate, perhaps because they are in good health care, or because they have other healthier habits.

For example, do moderate drinkers also exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet and normally take care of themselves?

Perhaps these people do things more self-discipline, self-discipline people tend to have a good balance in other areas.

Experts acknowledge that it is a complex and long-term task to determine whether moderate drinking is good for health.

But Britain's NHS says alcohol is directly linked to at least seven types of cancer.

They include oropharynx cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer and female breast cancer.

Previous data show that even moderate drinking increases the risk: one drink a day increases the risk of breast cancer by 4 percent, while drinking too much increases the risk by 40 percent to 50 percent.

Should this wine still be drunk? How do you drink it?

The experts recommend that:

Drink apart, and don't drink all of your week in one day.

It is best not to drink on an empty stomach. This gives your body, especially your liver, a chance to breathe. Because heavy drinking not only hurts the liver, but also permanently kills nerve cells.

Of course, the view that moderate drinking may be beneficial to the body has always been, and even some organizations specializing in alcohol have to admit that a small amount of alcohol may play a positive role in the prevention of heart disease and certain types of stroke.

Research and debate on the effects of alcohol on human health will continue.

At the same time, if you like to drink two mouthfuls, please moderate, there is an English sentence saying that: It's all about balance and moderation, everything is balance and moderation.

But if you don't like drinking, don't force yourself to quit.
