
Lunatic! To sell fake bags to decorate their own counter, virtual location overseas, there is no bottom line.

/ foreword

In China, 100 million people live on purchasing agents. It is no exaggeration to say that the Chinese people are inseparable from purchasing agents. A group of little brothers, little sisters do purchasing agents to make a network celebrity, some daily sun in their own life abroad;

Some buy while live broadcast;

But even if it is such a purchasing agent, must it be true?

1, purchasing agent for two years, and got two houses and four cars.

Liu Yilin, an Australian purchasing agent, is just 28 years old. When he first arrived in Australia in 2015, he barely knew anything about purchasing agents.

But he quickly found out that domestic tourists and foreign students seemed to be keen on Australian milk powder and health products, so he opened a home gift store to sell the popular products.

In less than half a year, there were more and more guests in the shop, and the gift shop was unable to meet the needs of foreign students and tourists, so he rented a warehouse and ordered delivery.

His warehouse is full of the most popular products in stores and supermarkets, from milk powder to health products. Today, thousands of goods are shipped from his warehouse to China every day, and his monthly sales amount to 10 million yuan!

And he himself, only two years to Australia, the beginner, but rely on purchasing agents to earn two houses and four cars! Annual income can reach tens of millions!

With him, a smaller number of purchasing agents, some directly take the goods in the domestic online shop or Time line to sell, some in Australia, sell to smaller private agents, a year income can also reach 15- two hundred thousand Australian dollars.

And the bottom level of the pyramid of purchasing agents is a large number of private purchasing agents, most of whom are overseas students.

They "sweep" goods directly from supermarkets and make-up stores, and then send them through a treasure or Time line, with monthly income ranging from thousands of Australian dollars to tens of thousands of Australian dollars.

A group of overseas parties became rich by purchasing families, buying houses and cars in Australia and living in the middle class.

However, the huge profits of the purchasing agent industry, quickly let a group of counterfeits, sellers swarmed in, so that these real purchasing agents also encountered a "crisis of trust", in succession to find ways to "prove" themselves.

But as virtue rises one foot and vice rises ten. An "impeccable" counterfeiting network gradually developed, all kinds of sophisticated counterfeiting methods and high-tech means to make people dumbfounded, thinking about the fear of …

2. The black screen of fake purchasing by purchasing agents.

By buying things on behalf of the most afraid of buying fake goods, many consumers buy something, but also with the purchasing agents "fighting wisdom and courage."

"I want a ticket from the factory." you write a word at the bottom of the milk powder can. "you live broadcast me."

With this evidence, consumers are relieved to pay for the goods: I have seen live broadcast, but also let purchasing agents sign, this can not be false?

1, live broadcast? Decorate the room and get it done.

A lot of people think, live broadcast should be the best way, I see the purchasing agents buy at the counter, can there be fake? Have you ever thought that the counter where purchasing agents are located may not be a counter at all?

For example, the purchasing agent above possessed the actor, fabricated a romantic story about her 25th birthday and boyfriend, then pretended to receive her boyfriend's "gift" at the counter at her home, and was very moved.

The survey found that many fake purchasing agents often repair their home furnishings into counters, decoration style is also similar to the counter. Sometimes a foreigner in a suit stands behind the counter pretending to be a teller.

What's more, some purchasing agents do go to the counter to live broadcast, but they are just live broadcast. After filming the overcrowded scene at the counter, then "here's a tour", only live broadcast does not buy, or send a fake to you later!

Similarly, signing at the bottom of the milk can is often "here to swim" and put it back.

2, virtual location

As long as there are sea places are gold coast, as long as there are sand places are Maldives … There are some smart buyers demanding that purchasing agents show their own positioning, is there no way to do so?

Do you know a high-tech technology called virtual positioning?

Wherever you are, use a virtual positioning artifact to disguise, travel around the world in minutes, and send you fake goods from all over the world.

3, the original factory ticket, the international express order numbe

Anything may be fake, but the original factory ticket and international express order number can not be fake, a check the order number, it is really from Australia delivery ah!

This is also difficult to fake purchasing agents, because someone is collecting overseas courier number. These people have their own purchasing agents, some sell these fake order numbers to fake purchasing agents in bulk.

After entering the overseas courier order number, even if it is shipped from home, the logistics information will also be displayed abroad.

As for the original factory small tickets will be easier, in the absence of purchasing agents on the time of counterfeiting a variety of invoices. As for the original factory packaging, generally only 3 yuan 6 yuan can buy one.

Professional forgery for 12 years is difficult at all.

4. Overseas purchasing agents? Life is like a play

In order to gain the trust of buyers, many purchasing agents often post photos and videos of themselves overseas on Time line to prove that they are truly overseas and genuine "retention parties".

For example, a "white rich and beautiful overseas student in the United Kingdom" purchasing agent, often posted their own small videos, living in a villa, serious class, run the library, live broadcast purchasing agent, from Time line, this purchasing agent is really beautiful and excellent.

As a result, this "white rich and beautiful" little sister was a Chinese aunt who had never even stepped out of the country.

She pretended to live in English time, live in a villa, attend a university in England, and earn a million dollars a year on the basis of the creed of "life into play."

There are also some purchasing agents, the essence of the body can be a person decorated 5 corners, living in "all over the world".

In addition to selling fake skills, also master a little psychology. Fake purchasing agents know that buyers are afraid of fake. Every time the buyer says, "can't you be a fake?" Or "are you really in Australia?"

The reaction of purchasing agents is not to be in a hurry to explain, but to pretend to be angry and to be insulted.

Love to ignore, more people think that fake purchasing agents are proud of the study party, you are not bad at all a few money.

Purchasing agents to fake, it is almost to the top of the stage.

3, as soon as the Electronic Commerce Law comes out, can you still fake it?

In any case, the purchasing agents who let people love and hate are still getting cold.

When E-commerce Law was introduced, purchasing agents must begin to register for business and apply for business license, that is to say, to start paying taxes.

If you sell milk powder, food or drugs, you need to obtain the administrative license of the corresponding administrative department. You must also have a Chinese label, and the product must be certified by the state.

If you violate the Electronic Commerce Law, you may face a fine of five hundred thousand yuan.

This wave of operations is equivalent to the reimbursement of almost all private purchasing agents. Without a private purchasing agent, the above little tricks do not exist, the cost of counterfeiting is also rising, so the number of counterfeit goods will definitely be greatly reduced.

But the Chinese middle class's demand for foreign goods is real.

In fact, unlike the outside legend, the E-commerce Law is not an attempt to reimburse the purchasing agent industry, but to regulate the purchasing industry.

Small, decentralized and disordered private purchasing agents give way to large purchasing companies that can obtain state-required qualifications, business licenses and licences, which are good for the future development of the purchasing industry and for consumers.
