
'I'm only 21, and I don't want to die!' Anti-cancer diary of Chinese female students from Queensland University

If not, Gina should have graduated smoothly from the University of Queensland and began his internship. Like all the worshippers she sent on Time line, looking for internships.

Unfortunately, by fate, in June 2018, the University of Queensland final exam, Gina was discovered by Australian doctors, cancer. After hearing the news, Gina dropped out of school and broke up with her boyfriend.

Since then, she has said goodbye to the sweet boyfriend in love, distressed but interesting studies, friends, laughter in Brisbane colorful life. Fell into the abyss of darkness.

Now all she has left in her world is hospitalization, hanging water, chemotherapy, routine checks, cold needles and bitter potions.

This is an anti-cancer diary we recruited from (UQ), a Chinese female student at the University of Queensland.

December 2017

Gina was misdiagnosed by a domestic hospital, which is the beginning of her nightmare.

Gina told us that the story began last December 2017 at the University of Queensland during the long summer vacation, when Gina was in the country one night when she suddenly had an unbearable leg pain for the whole night. The next day she ran to a local hospital and took pictures of MRI and CT..

After that, the hospital diagnosis said she was just osteomyelitis.

(network mapping)

The family was not comfortable enough about the diagnosis, so they went to see a local respected Chinese medicine in the hematology department. The traditional Chinese medicine gave Gina the pulse, touched the lymph node, and tested the blood. As a result, there was nothing wrong with the traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis, and the pain in the leg was not a big deal. Never mind。

Plus Gina was in good shape at the time, not like a seriously ill person! So in February this year, Gina went back to Australia to start his studies.

However, Gina, who was later identified as cancer, knew that if fever, sweating, and emaciation had begun, they either developed very quickly, grew in the viscera, or had advanced stages.

So Gina, who had no knowledge of it at the time, felt death for the first time in a few months.

June 2018

Gina was growing up with a 1.5cm lymph node in her inner thighs as she was preparing for her final exam, and half of the semester before graduation at the University of Queensland, Gina often felt pain in her legs, and she thought she'd just let it go. It was like this until the final exam in June, but when she was taking the last class, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart, and the whole leg seemed to be about to explode. She could not bear it when she went to a Chinese clinic to see a doctor on the same day. X-ray was taken and B-ultrasound was done.

It turned out that just as she was doing B-Super, the nurse looked at her with complicated eyes and said again and again, Gina's heart trembled as soon as an expert doctor came over to talk to you, and she knew that it was bad.

(leg after third treatment)

Sure enough, the first word the doctor saw from Gina was a bitter reproach: "Why have you been dragging it so long?" I don't want to live. "

Gina's heart was cold at that time. It turns out that she was misdiagnosed, not osteomyelitis, but lymphoma on her bones. The worst part of lymphoma, is that she has been dragging it for nearly two years.

Walking out of the hospital, on the road, in front of the crowd Gina did not bear to cry out, she went all the way to cry, the University of Queensland student center, said she was suspended from school to return to the country.

The student center staff looked so agitated that she had no idea what she was talking about. Gina explained twice in trembling motion that she had cancer and had to leave school for home.

In this way, Gina bought the fastest home ticket. Took his own Pet/Ct tumor results to the Guangdong Provincial people's Hospital to start treatment.

(network mapping)

July 2018

The treatment is painful. It's ugly to lose your hair.

I want to graduate, I want to get better, I want to see jacaranda. After wiping out tears, Gina chose to face up to reality, she had cancer, got diffuse large B-cell lymphoma type GCB, the good news is that it only grows on the calf, the bad news is due to drag too long, spread a large area, the focus reached 25 cm.

So Gina takes the worst drugs every day and starts chemotherapy right away?

Although already ready, but when Gina first chemo began to lose her hair, she still felt very heartache, but this heartache has not been brewing, day and night bone pain, low fever, itching, headache, Physical pain has already hit.

(leg after third treatment)

"the treatment really hurts more than I thought," Gina said. "every time I can't stand the pain, I start to think of the beautiful things that happened when I was studying in Brisbane. I told myself to get better soon, I wanted to graduate, I wanted to find an internship job. I'd like to go to see jacaranda with my friends. I want to drink coke and eat meat with them.

When I graduated, I was dressed in a dress, my hair grew out of the afternoon sun in Brisbane, there was a gentle breeze, I crossed the streets of the city center, and I got a good job, and I got a good job in the middle of the city, when I graduated, and I was dressed in a dress and my hair grew out of the afternoon sun in Brisbane, and there was a gentle breeze. There is the noise of friends, the murmur of love, the laughter of family.

I want to go back to my old life so much that every time I wake up and face the cold walls of the hospital, I feel very painful. But there seems to be no end to the pain. "

July 2018

Gina broke down, and from then on she could only live in a hospital bed and walk down the floor with extravagant hopes.

In July, Gina was scheduled for a pathological biopsy. But because Guangzhou side bed tight, the hospital sent her to Foshan branch to do. As a result, the doctor took Gina's bone while taking a pathological sample without telling and telling her not to walk.

So Gina walked unknowingly and broke a bone. After that, she lay in bed for three months, and an arm had to be inserted into the picc tube, a chemo-specific tube that went from the arm to the collarbone to the heart, protecting the blood vessels.

From then on, she moved to pain, speech will hurt, drinking water will hurt, toilet pain, even breathing feel a little pain. For three months in bed, Gina walked from summer to autumn, from late night to early morning, and every day when the sun came out, it was her happiest time.

"sometimes I wake up early in the morning," she said. "when I watch the sun rise, there is a beautiful color out of the window, and then I always think of the Brisbane crow in the morning.

At that time, I always felt noisy to sleep, and now I miss it. "

September 2018

Gina discovered the secret of her family and she cried again.

September was the hardest month for Gina because she found herself supported by the unimaginable commitment of the entire family, which, as she says, hurts more than she does, and is more difficult than her parents. "studying abroad, sick, I am a bottomless hole."

Over the years, the tuition fees of the University of Queensland and the cost of living in Australia have given the family a heavy burden. It is no exaggeration to say: "my family's conditions are regarded as abject poverty among Australian students, and even if it is placed in the domestic environment, it is at most a well-off situation. And just came to Australia in the first year, not adapted to college and playful also hung up a number of subjects. My parents only scolded me at that time, but didn't let me drop out of school.

Until later, my father said slip, I didn't know that in order to send me to study abroad, my parents sold the house at home. From then on I began to study hard, life began to struggle seriously.

Finally, in the last three years of college, never again missed the course. This is the fourth year, originally to fill those hanging up, clearly is the time to win, but found that I have cancer.

Think about it, my parents are the worst. "

Cancer treatment is expensive, and perhaps for rich students, it's not enough to buy a car or even a car.

But for an average family, it's a lot of money. Gina tells us that in just a few months, four hundred thousand of their family is gone.

The examination cost 50, 000, including pathological surgery, three pathological diagnosis, one pet/ct and full gene test, the cost of treatment is about three hundred thousand, but this does not include the money into ICU, into ICU 20, 000 a day.

"my family has not had a lot of savings all these years, just enough of them, but then I knew that my parents were afraid of an accident, so I borrowed one hundred thousand from my relatives and friends."

The day that Gina knew it was the saddest day he cried after he knew he was ill.

"I told myself to be more optimistic and stronger," she said. "I saw the hard work of my parents. They had to take care of me every day to cook and pour my diapers, they still owe me foreign debts, and they had to pay back the mortgage."

Thinking of the original study in Australia, the days of the past, until the accident! "now I find that every day that is alive is a gift of fate."

In fact, most of the time, we are ignoring the sudden onset of disease. Apart from the fact that sometimes we talk and sigh at other people's sad stories, each time we say a few words, we will feel that this is a "bad luck" topic. We all feel that disease will never happen to us.

But no one knows which of tomorrow or the accident will arrive first. As Gina says, it's not until she gets sick that health and safety are the most important things to say.

After his illness, Gina began to exhort everyone he knew to remember to go to a regular medical examination once a year, a general examination, a blood examination, and a picture of CT.

Don't always feel like she is healthy and won't get sick. But in fact, smoking and drinking, staying up late bad lifestyle, stress, living environment, unhealthy diet are destroying their immunity, are health overdraft.

After illness, Gina only knew how important health is, the days that used to feel ordinary and boring, now feel shimmering bad.

The roads, the essay, the love songs, the loved ones, the little things, are in fact the most beautiful scenery in life.

Finally, I hope that every lovely person can pass by with a serious illness all his life. I hope everyone who works hard outside can take the time to think about their health.

I also hope that everyone who loves life will not be betrayed by his health.

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