
Too many people! The patient's waiting time at West Sydney Hospital is like a nightmare.

Liverpool Hospital, Sydney (Photo of the Daily Telegraph)

Patient waiting time at West Sydney Hospital has skyrocketed as hospitals have been unable to cope with unprecedented population growth and record numbers of immigrants.

According to the Daily Telegraph, according to the New State Health Information Service (NSW Bureau of Health Information), Sydney's Liverpool Hospital (Liverpool Hospital) and Nippian Hospital (Nepean Hospital) are in the bottom of all major hospitals in terms of waiting time, according to data from the New State Health Information Service (NHS). Both (Westmead Hospital) and Nippian's emergency departments failed to meet the critical 10-minute benchmark for life-threatening patients at Wesmee Hospital (Wesmi Hospital) and Nippian Hospital (Nippian Hospital).

Doctors warn that the health care system will be "overburdened" unless there is a major change in government planning and social attitudes to health.

McDonald (Andrew McDonald), a pediatrician at (Campbelltown) in Kimbo, said the area was growing too fast for the medical system to keep up.

Dr. Kean-Seng Lim, president of (AMA), the Australian medical association, said it was not just the number of new residents that caused the problem, but also their larger medical needs.

The most common patient problem at West Sydney Hospital is heart-related disease.

The population of Liverpool, Wiesmee and Niepian regions is growing extremely fast. The Greater West Sydney region has a total population of 2.2 million (Greater Western Sydney), 35% of whom were born overseas.

Liverpool Hospital's Emergency Unit received 88428 visits in 2018, up 16.4 percent over the past five years. Nippian Hospital's emergency department received 72189 visits, up 13.7 percent. The emergency department of Wiesmee Hospital received 77247 patients, up 15.3 percent.

At Wesmee Hospital, level 2 potential life threat patients-including severe chest pain, severe burns and dyspnea-wait an average of 16 minutes, ranking at the bottom of the list of new state hospitals. Ten percent of patients waited as long as 80 minutes, eight times the 10-minute benchmark.

Nippian Hospital followed, with a level 2 potential life threat patient waiting an average of 14 minutes, of which 10 percent waited as long as 54 minutes.

(St Vincent's Hospital), St. Vincent's Hospital in Sydney, performed best, with 2 potential life threat patients waiting for an average of 3 minutes and 90% of the patients being treated within 13 minutes.

The average waiting time for threat patients at Royal North Coast Hospital (Royal North Shore Hospital), Concord Hospital (Concord Hospital), Prince of Wales Hospital (Prince of Wales Hospital) and St. George's Hospital (St George Hospital) Class 2 potential Life threat Clinic was also within 10 minutes.
