
Despite the warning, Sydney's online celebrity photographed with guardrail

Sydney Cyber Photo site-Wedding Cake Rock (Daily Mail photo)

The new state of government will take extreme steps to prevent social media users from risking their lives taking pictures on the edge of the cliff.

According to the Daily Mail, the wedding cake rock (Wedding Cake Rock), of (Royal National Park), South Sydney's Royal National Park, attracts many adventurous tourists.

At present, wedding cake rock around a 1.6-meter-high fence, as well as warning signs. Meanwhile, climbing the fence would face a fine of up to A $3300. However, tourists have not been deterred from it.

Sydney Cyber Photo site-Wedding Cake Rock (Daily Mail photo)

The new state of government plans to build larger fences here to prevent people from "breaking through" to take photos.

A (National Parks and Wildlife Service) spokesman for the New State National Park and Wildlife Service said the newly designed fence, which will be installed next year, will be the same height as the current fence, but it will be more difficult to climb.

"We are working on a variety of fence designs and materials, and taxpayers will pay an extra price to stop people who ignore warning signs and cross the fence," the spokesman said. According to geological survey, wedding cake rock structure is quite unstable and will collapse in the next 10 years. However, the risk has not stopped people scrambling over the fence to take photos.
