
The latest 2017 peace index has come out to see which country has the highest security index, global security ranking

The 2017 Peace Index, the eleventh edition of the Global Peace Index (GPI), ranks 163 independent countries and regions according to the degree of peace.

GPI, compiled by (IEP), the Institute for Economics and Peace, is the world's leading measure of global peace. This report presents the most comprehensive data-based analysis so far of trends in peace, economic values and how to develop peaceful societies.

GPI covers 99.7 per cent of the global population, uses 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from highly respected sources and measures the state of peace in three thematic areas: the level of social safety and security; and the extent of ongoing internal and international conflicts; And militarization.

In addition to introducing the 2017 GPI findings, this year's report also includes an analysis of the most important positive peace factors for the transition to a higher level of peace, as well as the link between the deterioration of positive peace and the rise of populism in Europe. The report also assesses trends in peacekeeping and militarization, including a cost / benefit analysis that highlights the positive economic benefits of early peacebuilding interventions.

The 2017 GPI results found that global peace levels improved slightly this year by 0.28 percent, with 93 countries improving and 68 getting worse.

Iceland remains the safest country in the world and has been in this position since 2008. New Zealand, Portugal, Austria and Denmark topped the index, all of which ranked high in last year's GPI. The change in the bottom of the index is also small. Syria remains the least secure country in the world.

Six of the nine regions in the world have improved. South America has made the most progress, overtaking Central America and the Caribbean to become the fourth-largest peace region. South America's scores were helped by improvements in these three areas, with growth in social security and security in particular strong.

The largest regional deterioration in North America followed by (MENA). In sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East and North Africa Scores in North America fell entirely as a result of the United States, offsetting Canada's modest rise. The main drag on American scores is the deterioration of two indicators: the perceived level of crime in society and the intensity of organized internal conflicts. The latter measure worsened as a result of the increase in the degree of political differentiation within the American political system. In the decade to 2015, the United States also experienced its fourth-largest decline in global positive peace after Syria, Greece and Hungary.

Europe remains the most peaceful region in the world, with eight of the 10 most peaceful countries coming from the region. However, despite improvements in 21 of 34 countries, the effects of the significant deterioration in Turkey, the terrorist attacks in Brussels, Nice and Paris and the deterioration in relations between Russia and its Nordic neighbours, The average score did not change significantly.

The Middle East is the fifth consecutive year of insecurity in the world. Saudi Arabia, followed by Libya, is the worst deterioration in the region. Saudi Arabia fell as a result of its involvement in the Syrian and Yemeni conflicts and the increase in terrorist activities mainly carried out by ISIL and its branches, while Libya's collapse was due to rising levels of internal conflict.

Wrote a large paragraph of text, not necessarily clear what to write, Coco specially organized a table, very intuitive.

The United States ranks 114 and China 116. 5%.

No. 2 


No. 3 



No. 4 

