
With effect from 1 August, the State of Victoria has imposed an outdoor smoking ban, which prohibits smoking in these areas and imposes a fine of $777 on violators.

From August 1 this year, the state will begin to enforce a stricter "smoking ban", and virtually all outdoor dining areas throughout the state will be banned from smoking during the service-including the sidewalks of the dining area, the patio of the bar, and the beer garden!

Individuals who violate the smoking ban are liable to a maximum fine of $777 and businesses to a maximum fine of $7773. Companies that do not post "no smoking" signs will also face fines.

However, there are some exceptions to the ban on smoking. The following are permitted to smoke:.

There is a 4 m buffer zone between smoking and non-smoking guests;

2.1m high partition between smoking and non-smoking guests;

Smoking is also allowed during non-serving hours, unless the shopkeeper otherwise requests.

So, can I smoke when I drink coffee?

As long as it is not served time, at the same time 4 meters away from non-smoking guests.

In addition, snacks (not dishes) are also allowed to smoke.

Snacks are defined as packaged foods that do not need to be prepared in advance, including packaged fries, nuts, chocolate bars. French fries and packaged sandwiches are not snacks.

Doesn't Victoria already have a smoking ban?

It's indoor.

Since July 2007, Victoria has banned smoking in indoor bars and restaurants. The ban was later extended to areas around schools, hospitals, courts and police stations.

Victoria was the last state to impose an outdoor smoking ban. Queensland and Western Australia banned smoking in outdoor dining areas as early as 2006. New states and south Australia implemented the same rules last year.

Andrewsgoverment announced a ban on outdoor smoking in 2015, but gave companies two years to adapt and prepare for it.

Why do you want to enforce an outdoor smoking ban?

Because it is harmful to health.

Smoking in an outdoor dining area not only bothers other non-smokers, but also causes cancer, heart disease, miscarriage and asthma attacks.

The Quit Victoria survey found that 88% of Victorians do not smoke every day.

For this outdoor smoking ban, 72% of the people expressed support.

Or that, for the health of you and your family, please try not to smoke oh!
