
Love is as good as life to spend money! Australia spends more than 700 million for pet yea

Australians love pet cats and dogs, and spending has soared by 90% in just two years. (photo by Australian News Network)

Australians love pet cats and dogs and spend more and more on them, rising 90% in just two years, according to Australian News.

Australians are happy to spend $ seven hundred and forty two million nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine a year on their loved ones, up more than 90 percent in the past two years, according to a survey by (Commonwealth Bank), the Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

One of the biggest costs is to bring pets to the veterinarian.

The biggest increase in spending is in pet shops, including pet cooks, pet hot springs, designer pet clothes and so on. That's an increase of A $179 million from 2015.

McCormack (Nicole McCormack), deputy general manager of the Federal Bank's small business, said pet stores have been creating ideas, offering new services, convenience measures and products aimed at pet care. More and more enterprises see business opportunities to launch small business to meet the demand. From pet-friendly hotels to custom food programs to pet hosting and wearable technology, the pet care industry is booming.

Australians love pet cats and dogs, and spending has soared by 90% in just two years. (photo by Australian News Network)

The survey also found that Australians are increasingly buying pet goods, with pet stores trading a total of A $4.5 million in 2017, A $2 million higher than in 2015.

Pets in the new state are the most comfortable because residents in the state spend the most on pets, more than A $231 million, or 31 percent of total pet spending in Australia.

In terms of age groups, Australians between the ages of 51 and 60 spent the most on pets, accounting for 23 percent of total spending in 2017.

Residents under the age of 30 are the most budget-conscious pet owners, spending A $104 million a year, or 14 percent of total pet spending in 2017.
