
'the Chinese market is no. 1!' The Australian Prime Minister has made a public statement! take the 10-year round trip visa and come to Australia as soon as possible.

With the trial of "ten-year multiple round-trip visas" open to Chinese citizens, it will become more and more convenient for Chinese to travel to Australia in the future.

The visa implementation plan has been announced since 2015. After the official implementation of the visa, Chinese citizens will be able to travel to and from China and Australia more than once in a 10-year period.

Although the length of time allowed to stay in Australia is not long, the time is more flexible for tourists, even can come at any time a walk-and-go trip.

Prior to this, only the United States, Canada and Israel were allowed to apply for visas of the same type by Chinese citizens.

The visa is being piloted for Chinese tourists to help Australia improve the flexibility of its visa system and make it more competitive in the choice of Chinese tourist destinations.

Why so "kneel licking", Prime Minister Trumble explained:

Because China is our national tourism market no. 1!

"China has become our largest market in terms of value, and next we want to make it our largest market in terms of quantity," he said.

"the highly competitive nature of the market tells us this is not a feat, as tourism agencies in 190 countries are competing for tourists from around the world."

Chinese tourists, Australia's second-largest group of tourists, imported A $8.3 billion into Australia's economy in 2015.

By 2020, the figure is expected to reach 13 billion.

Recently, Prime Minister Trumble announced another update:

At present, he has reached a consensus with Xi Jinping-

2017 has been designated as the "year of Tourism" between China and Australia

By 2020, it is expected that 20 million Chinese tourists will choose to travel abroad each year, including countries such as Australia.
