
Your milk tea is dirtier than gutter oil!

Recently, doctors were shocked by the fact that a girl went to the hospital to do CT,. Only a bunch of pearls neatly arranged in the stomach, like a string of pearls necklaces.

The doctor inquired about the girl's milk tea. These pearls, so stuck in their stomachs, have not been digested.

Friends are senior milk tea enthusiasts, especially love to drink pearl milk tea, every time will double the pearl.

Some time ago she felt a sudden upset in the stomach. As a result of long-term consumption of pearls, the pearls in her stomach are slowly accumulating into food masses.

The food masses were stuck like stones in the stomach and compressed the stomach, causing severe ulcers for a long time.

The pearls are sticky, hard to digest and gather into stones, and a three-year-old boy, suffering from a pain in his stomach, is unable to pull out his defecation.

After being sent to the hospital, it was found by X-ray that it was intestinal obstruction.

The doctor opened the boy's stomach and pinched it in the place where the small intestine was obstructed. The doctor tried to smooth it with his hand, extruded it out of the body, and found a pile of gelatinous objects.

It turns out that two days ago, the child had a glass of pearl milk tea. And the unknown object blocked in the intestines is the pearl in the pearl milk tea.

No one thought, a small pearl, should have such a great killing power!

If the child is not sent to hospital in time, he or she is likely to have multiple organ failure, which can lead to life danger.

Another child, suffering from pneumonia since the age of eight, relapses immediately after each treatment. Mother decided to take him to the hospital to find out the cause of the disease, only after the bronchoscope found that there was a moldy pearl hidden in his right lung.

It turns out that half a year ago, when she drank pearl milk tea, she accidentally inhaled the airway. The black pearl was so quietly hidden in his body that it had not broken down for half a year.

Pearls, which have not been discovered by CT many times, are likely to cause airway blockages, causing even more serious problems, such as asphyxiation.


If you go to the agricultural and trade wholesale market, you will see that many crystal-clear milk tea pearls are made of cheap, pure additives.

In fact, these 20 can buy a barrel of "pearls", will not use any "healthy" things.

Once a reporter pretended to go to a raw material wholesale store and the wholesaler took them into an underground warehouse. When we got down to the warehouse, we found that several plastic barrels were filled with black pearls, so they were placed on the sticky ground, and there were flies flying over them.

Reporter asked: can this pearl eat?

And the shop staff replied, pearl, this thing, as long as no one else ill, it is fine.

Those pearls that can't eat out of sickness, if you, do you dare eat?


A long time ago, TW exposed the toxic starch incident.

Pearl milk tea, taro round, slats, meatballs, chicken chops. These have always been considered classics of TW cuisine. With the outbreak of toxic starch incident, let us talk about color change.

The starch used to make pearls was replaced by maleic acid. Maleic acid, is also used in pesticides and industrial toxic raw materials. Long-term consumption of maleic acid will directly destroy human organs and mucosa, resulting in organ damage, more likely to die.

A while ago, the Shanghai Consumer Insurance Commission tested 27 online celebrity milk teas and bought more than 50 milk tea samples.

When they buy, they will demand "normal sweetness" or "sugar-free" to the merchant. The results, however, shocked everyone: all milk teas that claimed to be "sugar-free" detected large amounts of sugar.

The average sugar content of these milk teas is 34 grams, and the body's daily sugar intake is better than 25 grams. The highest sugar content of milk tea is 62 grams, equivalent to a cup of milk tea = 14 square sugar.

Have you ever tried a cup of milk tea and couldn't sleep at night? In fact, milk tea contains a lot of caffeine. The tested samples generally contained more than 300 milligrams of caffeine, the highest of which was 428 milligrams.

Healthy adults should not consume more than 200 milligrams of caffeine. Otherwise, it is easy to cause palpitations, tremors and other problems. If pregnant women take it, they will be more likely to have prenatal anxiety symptoms.

You need to know the caffeine content of an American coffee is 100mg, and a can of red cow caffeine is 50mg.

This means: you bought a cup of milk tea = 4 cups of coffee = 8 cans of red bull.

Once naive thought: milk tea is the tea boiled with milk. It was found that milk was not real material in milk tea shops on the market. Businesses use milk instead of milk, which contains a lot of trans fatty acids.

The body's daily intake of trans fatty acids is less than 2 grams, while most milk teas contain more than 5 grams per cup. Indiscriminate blending of raw materials by unscrupulous merchants will increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and obesity.


After reading these shocking skin, some people may say, milk tea dare not drink, I'd rather drink juice, after all, fresh nutrition is not added.

But is that true?

In crowded commercial areas, there are often fresh pressed Sugar cane juice peddlers, those cheap, sweet and delicious Sugar cane juice attracted a large number of pedestrians, business is very hot.

It was not until a law enforcement officer dismantled the juicer that there was something else inside.

There was a moving board next to the juicer, a dark box under the board, a foam box in it, and a yellow-and-green liquid in it.

The liquids were muddy and smelly.

Originally, in order to save costs. The peddler put a plastic pipe in the liquid. During juicing, plastic pipes drain these stinky liquids, mixed with Sugar cane juice, and delivered to customers.

You drink into the stomach Fresh Juice, is the peddler in order to save the cost of mixing dirty water Sugar cane juice.

Are you, like, still drinking?

Many reports are revealing: many juice shops claim Fresh Juice. There are fresh and attractive fruits on the surface of the counter, and the ones that are going to rot are the ones that actually extract the juice.

"as long as the black part of the fruit is removed, the juice also does not smell rotting, and the customer can't drink it at all," said one practitioner.

It turns out that juice, which claims to be freshly squeezed, is likely to be a rotting colony of microbes.


Abroad there is a girl who likes to drink drinks, but also high sugar, caffeine, after drinking can make the spirit of the drink. But it also causes many health problems, such as papules and three heights, such as often swollen eyes and dark complexion.

A friend once bet her not to drink for thirty days.

She accepted the challenge and drank only water every day. Gradually, she gradually change the body's dependence on drinks. The skin became shiny, lost a lot of weight, and saved a lot of money for drinks. She photographed 30 days or so, and the results were immediate.

Those excellent taste milk tea, juice, beverage, often unscrupulous merchants with high sugar, high caffeine, milk blend. Drinking too much will not only cause dependence, but also cause irreversible damage to the body in the long run.

Do you dare to drink such pearl milk tea?
