
Melbourne's popular Asian restaurant startled mice, but netizens said so.

There was a mouse looking around under the table. (photo of the Daily Mail)

According to the Daily Mail, diners caught a tiresome scene at a popular Asian restaurant in CBD, Melbourne, with videos showing mice running around the store.

On Monday, a surprising video appeared on Reddit, the social networking platform. Inside Ratatouille, a popular Asian brewery restaurant at Melbourne's central Mall, (Melbourne Central), a mouse looked around the table before running into a tiny hole, according to the report.

The diner who posted the video said he liked the Ratatouille restaurant very much, but in the face of the situation, the diner sighed, "Please!"

A popular Asian restaurant in CBD, Melbourne. (photo by Daily Mail)

It is reported that after the release of the video, received more than 500 comments, but soon, many netizens said that this is a common situation in the city.

A netizen says there has been a rat problem at Melbourne's central Mall. Despite the best hygiene conditions, as in other shopping malls, there are many entrances, food preparation areas and garbage cans are growing, and it is really difficult to manage.

Another netizen said it would be a good week if it was the worst thing of the week.

At present, the Ratatouille restaurant has not responded to the matter.
