
Coles relaxed the limit on milk powder, now each can buy 8 cans!

Coles supermarket relaxed the quantity of milk powder, from the original limit of 2 cans to 8 cans. (photo by Australian News Network)

According to Australian news website reported, Coles supermarket announced to relax the milk powder purchase limit quantity, milk powder supply crisis is over?

It is reported that Coles supermarket on the grounds of "the recent improvement in the supply of milk powder," relaxed the number of milk powder restrictions, from the original limit of 2 cans to 8 cans. This seems to herald an end to a long-standing shortage of milk powder.

Previously, in order to prevent purchasing agents or individual customers from cleaning up popular brands of milk powder on shelves, such as A2, Bellamy (Bellamy), Emmeta (Aptamil) and so on, re-selling to China and other markets to earn revenue, the two major supermarkets Coles,Woolworths, And some chain pharmacies have taken measures to limit the purchase of 4 cans of milk powder and 2 cans of milk powder.

But now, Coles announced a relaxation in the number of purchases. A spokesman for the supermarket said: "Coles promises to ensure that customers can buy the quantity of milk powder they need. Because of the recent improvement in the supply of milk powder, the supermarket decided to relax the purchase restrictions, each customer can buy up to eight cans of milk powder. "

However, not every customer is happy with the supermarket's new measures.

A customer left a message on Coles's Facebook page saying the price of milk powder last week was A $19 but is now A $20.5. The supermarket also raised the original limit of 2 cans of milk powder to 8 cans, which is crazy. "there is no limit to the morality of the supermarket when it comes to making huge profits on the cost of babies!"

It is reported, the Woolworths confirmed that the supermarket has no plan to adjust the number of milk powder restrictions, still maintain a limit of 2 cans of measures.
