
The driver's license was revoked when he didn't drive after drinking. Do you know this rule?

A mother in Kunzhou, who was the regulator of a learner's driver's daughter after drinking alcohol, was revoked. (photo by Daily Mail)

According to the Daily Mail, a mother in Kunzhou acted as a regulator for her daughter with a learner's driver's license after drinking alcohol, resulting in the revocation of her license.

A 17-year-old daughter, a 17-year-old driver, holds a learner's license and her mother, Robb (Nicole Marie Robb), sits in the co-driver's seat, according to a couple of mothers and daughters in Bandabourg, Kunn., to pick up dinner for their families in Bandabberg, Kunn. However, they were stopped by police only five minutes from home.

Robb did not realize that she was acting as her daughter's driving regulator, and that alcohol levels in her body could not exceed the statutory standards, but her breath test data reached 125.

At the (Bundaberg Magistrates Court) hearing in Bandabberg District Court on Thursday, Robb admitted he had three drinks before leaving. But she insisted she had done nothing wrong.

Robb's lawer, Kendrick (Ian Kendrick), said Robb was just making the wrong judgment, and she didn't realize that her behavior was a violation. In addition, if Robb loses his driver's license, he will face unemployment threat.

It is reported that Robb was eventually fined A $300, the driver's license was revoked for three months.
