
Tourists steal shellfish from Lake Ilawala in New State, residents prevent frequent conflict

Shoplifting of Lake Ilawala (Photo of the Daily Telegraph)

Residents near a saltwater lake in (South Coast), on the southern coast of the new state, are forming militia groups against groups of illegal mass-gatherers of delicious shellfish.

According to the Daily Telegraph, the new state of government has warned local residents of (Lake Illawarra) Lake Ilawala near (Wollongong) in Wolonggang that there is a certain amount of threat in the stand-off with spammers.

However, defenders of Lake Ilawala say they have to take action. Because the new state fisheries agency (NSW Fisheries) patrols are too few and fines are insufficient, usually just a few hundred Australian dollars, is not enough to stop smugglers who can make a big profit on the black market.

Individuals who collect 50 ocean fans at a time, known as Venasbe, must hold a new state amateur fishing permit. However, residents of Lake Irawara photographed many of them bragging about taking hundreds of them at once.

Letolus (Kevin Lightowlers), a local resident of (Warrawong) in Wallwang, forced a man to take stock of the shellfish he had collected and throw most of the shellfish back into the water.

"overfishing like this will kill the lake; everything will disappear and the whole lake will become rubbish," said Letoles.

After receiving complaints from local residents, the fishing department of the New State Department of Primary Industry carried out a targeted crackdown. Between December 20, 2018 and January 31, 2019, plainclothes workers arrested 146 suspects and seized 9409 illegal fishing fans.

Authorities issued 54 tickets for a fine of A $18,300. In addition, there are 116 written warnings.
