
Does West Sydney count as Sydney? There was a dispute between the two zoos over the name of the zoo

(Taronga Zoo), in Mosman, Sydney's lower north bank, recently filed a case against another unopened zoo over alleged use of the name "Sydney Zoo" to mislead consumers.

Sydney Zoo is 33 kilometers away from Sydney

Last September, government approved an investment plan to build a new zoo in (Blacktown) Bungarribee, the town of Perak in the West end of Sydney, with an estimated A $36 million investment, according to the Sydney Pioneer Morning Post. But the move drew opposition from the not-for-profit Taronga Zoo, which filed an application with the Australian federal government to ban the former from using the name "Sydney Zoo" because it could mislead international and foreign tourists. Make it think the new Sydney Zoo is a Tallonga Zoo with a long history and good reputation.

Taronga Zoo said the planned location of the "Sydney Zoo", more than 33 kilometers away from downtown Sydney, was clearly intended to increase its attractiveness to visitors through the use of the "Sydney" font. The Taronga Zoo is only eight kilometers from the heart of Sydney.

It is reported that over the past four years, foreign and other Australian states accounted for half of the total number of visitors to the Taronga Zoo, with more than 1.5 million visitors a year.

Aquarium owner marches into zoo business

In August 2012, the founder of the Sydney Aquarium (Sydney Aquarium), John Burgess, and his son, Jake Burgess, registered the company name (non-trademark) of "Sydney Zoo (Sydney Zoo)" and formally filed a commercial application to build the zoo in May 2015.

In November 2015, the Taronga Zoo applied for the trademark "(Taronga Sydney zoo)" at the Sydney Zoo in Taronga, along with a well-known platypus icon.

However, according to IP Australia, the Australian trademark authority, the word "Sydney Zoo (Sydney Zoo" is the trademark of another travel industry company: Merrill Lynch Group (Merlin Attractions). The UK-based international travel and entertainment company owns Mrs. Tusa's wax museum, (MadameTussauds), in Sydney, and the Sydney Wildlife Park, (WildLife Sydney Zoo)., next door to the museum.

"after customers bought tickets to Sydney's Wildlife Park, they found the Taronga Zoo and wanted to visit it," according to documents at the Taronga Zoo.
