
Western Australia's strictest plastic law is coming, can no longer happy take-out?

As soon as the weekend arrives, to have a take-out is simply beautiful, however, a great deal of news hit the small and medium-sized editor, Western Australia's strictest "plastic law" has come, can no longer be happy to eat takeout?

Think about lying at home and eating all kinds of food, moving your fingers to the door, eating ice cream on cold days, barbecue on hot days, is my take-away career really ruined like this?

It turns out! From July 1, Australia will ban the use of light plastic bags! Anti-plastics people are now looking at unattractive takeout containers promoted by China, India and other restaurants and takeout stores.

Biodegradable alternatives are now also suitable for preserving hot foods, antiplastics say, and call on Western Australia's government to ban the use of plastic boxes!

"plastic straws, plastic takeout containers, millions of plastic bottles-these are unnecessary, they will exist for hundreds of years and break down into smaller and smaller pieces," said Piers Verstegen, chairman of the Animal Protection Commission.

But Bradley Woods, chief executive of Western Australia, the Australian Hotel Association, says many takeout stores have switched to cardboard or recycling containers! Our takeout industry is still very environmentally friendly!

He warned that a total ban on takeaway was not the solution to the problem, which could lead to higher food prices. So we can rest assured of taking-out ~

WALGA President Lynne Craigie welcomed the ban on plastic bags, but WALGA has no specific policy on other plastic products, including takeout containers!

But Robin Chapple, spokesman for the Western Australian Environmental Protection Group, called for an extension of the ban, including balloons, beads, plastic straws and polystyrene packaging!

See here editor a sigh of relief, I hope you can start from the drop to protect the environment, in a reasonable range of use of plastic products.
