
Australia's most popular pet dog variety

Australians like mixed-breed dogs best (Daily Mail photo)

Parks all over Australia are packed with carefully designed pet dogs, many of which are pure-bred. However, the survey revealed that Australians like mixed breeds best.

According to the Daily Mail, the Australian rental website released the latest data, revealing the situation of tenants across the country raising pet dogs. Mixed-breed dogs are the preferred choice for Australian pet owners, accounting for 35%. This was followed by Staffordshire Bullhead stalk, which accounted for 8.9%. The Maltese dog ranked third, accounting for 5.1%. Labrador came in fourth, accounting for 3.4%.

Although poodles and Labradors are now popular, they are not among the most common hybrids. The most popular mixed-breed dog is the Staffordshire Bullhead Stem mixed Karby, which accounts for 29% of all mixed-breed dogs. The Calby mixed Border Shepherd (17%) came in second, while the Australian Pig Hound (12.2%) came in third.

Looking at state and territory data, New, Kunzhou, South Australia and North Territory pet dog breeds rank in line with national rankings.

Canberra dog breeding is not in line with the general trend in Australia, with the lowest proportion of mixed breeds, at about 29.9 percent. Labrador (6%) came second, Calby (5.1%) came third.

Tasmanian residents love Staffordshire bull head stalks most, accounting for 12.6%. Victorian residents prefer Jack Russell Terrier, accounting for 4.9%.

Although states and territories vary, one thing is pretty clear: Australians are very fond of pet dogs. The number of dogs in Australia is expected to reach 4.8 million.

Bud (Greg Bader), chief executive of, said the high proportion of hybrid dogs may be due to the large number of Australians adopting pets from shelters.
