
The residents of Victoria state are more worried about their safety, 1 / 10 feel the danger of living alone at night.

A surprising report shows that residents of Victoria are more concerned about safety than residents of other states. (photo by the Daily Telegraph)

According to the Daily Telegraph, a surprising report shows that residents of Victoria are more concerned about safety than those living in other states, with less than half believing that it is safe to travel alone at night near home.

Residents believe security has improved over the past year, but there are still more residents in Victoria who are worried about the crime of threat near home than in other states, it is reported.

A survey of 8100 residents by (Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency), an Australian-New Zealand district police advisory body, was released by the Productivity Council (Productivity Commission), which noted that more than half of respondents believed there was a illicit drug problem in the area in which they lived. Only 31% of residents believe it is safe to take public transport at night. Less than half of the residents thought it safe to walk alone at night near home. Another 1 / 10 residents thought it was not safe to stay at home alone at night.

In addition, 55 percent of drivers admitted to speeding 10 kilometers an hour in the past six months, the report said.

Moreover, last year five prisoners died suspiciously in Victoria, the largest number in a decade, and nine escaped from less-regulated prisons.
