
Go to jail and then repatriate! 25-year-old Chinese students self-destruct their prospects for dog abuse in the United States

On Monday, Feng Zhengheng, a 25-year-old Chinese man, dumped his body in the garbage of the building after killing his girlfriend's pet dog. Feng Zhengheng is officially jailed and will be repatriated to China two weeks later.

It is reported that Feng Zhengheng, from Shanghai, has been studying in various countries around the world since junior high school, and his undergraduate degree in applied and computational mathematics at the University of Southern California, and obtained a postgraduate degree in financial engineering from Cornell University in December 2016. Nomura, a Japanese securities firm, lost his job as a research analyst at Nomura after his arrest.

Feng Zhengheng, a former bank in Manhattan, pleaded guilty to being charged with severe animal abuse.

Feng began serving his sentence on March 26. The judge also banned him from touching any of his girlfriend's pets. In addition, he will be registered on the list of abusers of animals and will be banned from keeping pets for the next 10 years.

Feng Zhengheng's lawyer said he volunteered at a local animal shelter to atone for his crime, the report said. Judge Ward said it was necessary to sentence Feng Zhengheng to 30 days in prison because he had committed "abominable" crimes. However, as a result of his volunteer service, his sentence was reduced to 14 days before he will be deported.

The judge also pointed out that Feng Zhengheng's imprisonment also meant that he would be deported as an aggravating penalty. Because he held a U. S. visa during the crime, he was automatically deported to China after serving his sentence and was barred from re-entering the United States.

"defendant was educated in the United States for many years and worked in the financial sector," the judge said. From now on, he will not be able to continue to seek jobs in the financial sector in the United States, nor will he be able to return to the United States. "

According to a previous report by the New York Post, Feng Zhengheng's lawyer said that during his volunteer job last summer, Feng had married his girlfriend, who also bought a pet dog named Bucuo. But after the judge ruled that Feng could not touch any pets, he and his new wife arranged for Bucuo to live elsewhere.

The Zheheng Feng case is not an example.

Several international students accused of "cruelty to animals"

In May 2017, Zixuan Liu, a Chinese student from San Francisco, Calif., dragged inside the elevator and kicked a 10-month-old firedog, all recorded on the camera in the elevator. When someone saw the video, they called the police and arrested Zixuan Liu. for cruelty to animals. The judge ruled that he was not allowed to keep pets for three years, that he was required to work in community service and to cover the cost of living for a firedog.

Zixuan Liu mistreated the puppy in the elevator.

In 2015, a Chinese student from Riverside, Calif., helped a friend look after a puppy during the Chinese New year. She left the dog in the backyard and went out for two days without coming home. When she got home, she found that someone had broken into her house and her friend's dog was missing, so she called the police.

However, the police arrived at the scene and arrested her for cruelty to animals. After a neighbor called the police, the dog was sent to an animal shelter because no one had been feeding it for two days.

In 2016, Bingjie Yang, a Chinese student from long Island, New York, discovered that the dog was acting abnormally while training her dog, and then took his dog to a doctor. The dog died shortly after, and veterinary tests showed that the dog died of severe blows and broken livers and ribs.

Bingjie Yang was later charged with cruelty to animals on suspicion of killing a two-year-old Bome. He was sentenced to 14 days in prison and banned from readoption for three years.

In the United States, beware of animals, many people think it is good for small animals, or think it is not a big deal, it may be suspected of animal abuse.

Forgetting to feed causes the dog to suffer from physical health problems due to hunger, must be suspected of cruelty to animals, will be prosecuted; if it is temporarily forgotten, can return home in time, there will be no problems. Note, however, that if the dog calls for the attention of its neighbors because of hunger, the police may be waiting for you by the time they get home.

Traveling in cages, giving enough water and food, is also a crime of mistreatment.

Direct abandonment, such as leaving away from home, is illegal. Pet owners will be charged with animal abuse if they are suspected of abusing animals.

If you lose your foster dog for your friend, you should bear civil liability.

The entrustment of a pet to a friend's foster care, whether paid or not, leads to a relationship of entrustment-according to the law, entrustment or use on the basis of trust constitutes a relationship of entrustment. Therefore, if the dog is lost due to negligence, civil liability and compensation to friends are required.

The United States attaches great importance to dogs and is prone to lawsuits when they are not careful. In the United States, once you start to take care of a dog's death, you can't have a whim.
