
Which place in Australia has the most human life? You'll never guess the answer.

A music streaming service compared the number of times it had sex in Australian states and found that people in the area had more sex than other states.

Using data from its famous Bedroom Jams playlist, Spotify has more than eight hundred and sixty thousand followers and counts the states in which users have the most sex life.

The Australian Capital Territory has the most human lives, topping the list, followed by the Northern Territory and Western Australia, according to Junkee.

Fourth was New State, Kunzhou and South Australia ranked fifth and sixth respectively. Victoria and Tata were the least sexy states, ranking seventh and eighth, according to the study.

The data collected also highlighted the best time for states to strip and "do business." Spotify found that people in Victoria, New and Western Australia began at 10:00, compared with 9 p.m. In Queensland and South Australia.
